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"The X-Files" Dæmonicus titulky Španielske

Sezóna: 9 - Epizóda: 3

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Detaily filmu

imdbA professor/inmate in a psychiatric ward may be influencing other men to kill ritualistically. Though Doggett sees it as pure manipulation, Reyes can't help but suspect none else but the devil himself possessing the professor's body.

Hodnotenie filmu: 7.1 / 10 (2328)

Řéžia: - -

Scenár: -

Hrajú: - - - -

Alternatívny názov: Akty X, The X-Files, Expediente X, Los Archivos Secretos X, Los expedientes secretos X, Código X, Untitled X-Files Revival, Секретнi матерiали

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