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"Psych" Disco Didn't Die. It Was Murdered! titulky České

Sezóna: 3 - Epizóda: 5

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Detaily filmu

imdbWhen Henry's biggest arrest gets released from jail on a technicality, Shawn is hired to to fix it before his dad could take matters into his own hands but when Henry finds out, Psych has to do things "70's style" to make things righ

Hodnotenie filmu: 8.4 / 10 (904)

Řéžia: - -

Scenár: -

Hrajú: - - - -

Alternatívny názov: Psych, psych 301, $#223;$#241;$#237;$#238;$#226;$#232;$#228;$#229;$#246;, Enquêteur malgré lui

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