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"Haibane Renmei" Parting/Darkness of the Heart/Precious Things 자막

시즌: 1 - 에피소드: 11

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영화 세부정보

imdbRakka learns more about Reki's past during a visit to Abandoned Factory, the co-ed living quarters for wayward Haibane. Later, a disturbing revelation from the Communicator causes Rakka to fear the worst for her friend.

영화 등급: 8.1 / 10 (0)

감독: -


주연: - - - -

AKA: Charcoal Feathers Federation, Grey Wings, Parting/Darkness of the Heart/Precious Things, Haibane Renmei, Ash Feather Federation, La federación de las plumas de carbón

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