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Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler (2011) titlovi

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Pojedinosti o filmu

imdbChronicles Hitler's life as a failed painter and far-right activist up to his election as Chancellor of Germany, leading to his relentless rise to power, culminating in the beginning of World War II.

Ocjena filma: 8.2 / 10 (2038)

Sezona: #1 - #nerazvrstane epizode

Redatelj: -


Glumci: - - - -

AKA: Apocalypse: The Rise of Hitler

Naziv filma # PreuzetoOcjena filma Latest
1. 82376x 8.0
2. 92121x 7.9
1955x 8.2
11656x 8.2
1623x 8.2
1447x 8.2
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