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Constantine and the Cross Portuguese (BR) Legendas (1961) 1CD srt


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Constantine and the Cross Legendas Portuguese (BR)
Nome da versão (release)#CD EnviadaBaixadasPontuação da legendaAutor
Constantino il Grande (1961) DVDRip Oldies1CD164x 0.00labok
Constantine and the CrossLengendas de fonte confiável1CD762x 0.00alexandremiko
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Detalhes do filmeTambém conhecido por:Constantino e a Cruz (pob), Constantine and the Cross (eng), Costantino il grande (eng)
Pontuação do filme:5.9 / 10 (322)
[ When the Might of the Sword and the Sign of the Cross Unite in the Most Thrilling Story of Faith Eve ] - Biopic of Constantine the Great, set between 293-312 AD, from his days as Tribune to his accession as Roman Emperor of Gaul under the tetrarchy system and ending with his battle against the usurper Roman Emperor Maxentius in Rome.
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