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"The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy legendas

Temporada: 2 - Episódio: 9

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Detalhes do filme

imdbSusie lands Midge her first gig on television, but their victory is short-lived when they realize Midge is being punished for her past. Abe is increasingly unhappy in his dream job at Bell Labs while Joel continues to drown in wor...

Pontuação do filme: 9.1 / 10 (2289)

Créditos de autor: - -

Elenco: - - - -

Também conhecido por: Maravilhosa Sra. Maisel, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Vote for Kennedy, Vote for Kennedy, Дивовижна мiсiс Мейзел

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