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Doctor Who (2005) Anglais sous-titres

Dr Who Anglais sous-titres

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Track Episodes
Details du film

imdbDernier descendant des Seigneur du Temps et âgé de plus de 900 ans, Le Docteur parcourt l'espace et le temps dans son TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space). Amoureux de la race humaine, il se fait régulièrement accompagner par une femme ou un homme. Partagé entre folie et génie, insouciant mais conscient de ses responsabilités, il défendra l'humanité quel que soit le prix à payer.

Note IMDB: 0.0 / 10 (0)

Saison: #Special - #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #Episodes non classés



Distribution: - - - -

Titres alternatifs (AKAS): The Waters of Mars, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011, Доктор Хто

Titre # TéléchargéNote IMDB Latest
0. 868924x 0.0
0. 1060828x 0.0
0. 460770x 0.0
0. 15178004x 0.0
0. 94935x 0.0
0. 5365x 0.0
0. 137x 0.0
0. 134x 0.0
0. 129x 0.0
0. 134x 0.0
0. 181x 0.0
0. 138x 0.0
0. 136x 0.0
0. 130x 0.0
0. 129x 7.5
0. 72942x 0.0
1. 11317x 6.8
1. 2820x 9.0
1. 144x 7.9
1. 155x 7.4
1. 153x 7.5
3. 1180x 7.2
4. 665797x 8.8
4. 372529x 8.2
0. 72942x 0.0
1. 20560613x 0.0
2. 14236116x 0.0
3. 16194468x 0.0
4. 16207806x 0.0
5. 14190551x 0.0
6. 16151502x 0.0
7. 16178285x 0.0
8. 14169781x 0.0
9. 15178190x 0.0
10. 14175726x 0.0
11. 15171601x 0.0
12. 14162731x 0.0
13. 15181826x 0.0
0. 11112930x 0.0
1. 12190975x 0.0
2. 8167630x 7.7
3. 10160586x 0.0
4. 12181422x 0.0
5. 11155851x 0.0
6. 10148919x 0.0
7. 10177408x 0.0
8. 7134627x 8.6
9. 8138586x 8.8
10. 8124292x 6.1
11. 9126408x 0.0
12. 11145097x 0.0
13. 9135436x 0.0
0. 1183766x 0.0
1. 11159346x 8.0
2. 10152881x 0.0
3. 7146968x 0.0
4. 9152543x 7.0
5. 12122475x 6.9
6. 9162057x 0.0
7. 10163992x 0.0
8. 9156759x 0.0
9. 12149091x 0.0
10. 9156300x 0.0
11. 15156354x 0.0
12. 7150735x 0.0
13. 9118290x 0.0
0. 9104589x 0.0
1. 9154232x 0.0
2. 7125984x 0.0
3. 8140453x 8.1
4. 9157824x 7.4
5. 10113863x 7.5
6. 8109977x 7.6
7. 10137913x 0.0
8. 9126104x 0.0
9. 9136796x 9.4
10. 6136046x 9.0
11. 10136670x 8.9
12. 10126815x 0.0
13. 7114503x 9.2
1. 11198229x 0.0
2. 13190829x 0.0
3. 12124878x 0.0
4. 14228215x 0.0
5. 13127432x 0.0
6. 11115727x 7.0
7. 14249316x 0.0
8. 10108860x 7.2
9. 880126x 7.4
10. 9129594x 0.0
11. 10123426x 0.0
12. 998629x 9.0
13. 12385761x 0.0
0. 947814x 0.0
1. 9151810x 8.8
2. 9117292x 0.0
3. 8113071x 6.7
4. 7105888x 9.0
5. 7102306x 7.2
6. 1399232x 0.0
7. 7106714x 9.1
8. 895274x 8.0
9. 1187412x 0.0
10. 1094505x 0.0
11. 1197118x 8.0
12. 881896x 7.7
13. 8103005x 0.0
0. The Doctor, the Widow and the WardrobeEnvoyer
1. 7148869x 0.0
2. 8124885x 7.4
3. 9133835x 0.0
4. 10138174x 0.0
5. 9128390x 0.0
6. 696328x 0.0
7. 7155426x 0.0
8. 7118153x 0.0
9. 7131935x 7.1
10. 8131269x 7.6
11. 8121854x 0.0
12. 6119455x 0.0
13. 4121552x 0.0
14. 898740x 0.0
0. 695954x 0.0
1. 6156695x 0.0
2. 9137536x 7.6
3. 5119774x 0.0
4. 7140732x 8.9
5. 6135645x 7.9
6. 4105724x 0.0
7. 9117906x 0.0
8. 5110885x 0.0
9. 7106865x 0.0
10. 8115261x 0.0
11. 7109390x 0.0
12. 7119359x 0.0
0. 459942x 0.0
1. 9168702x 0.0
2. 5153065x 8.4
3. 5131107x 8.1
4. 8136236x 8.1
5. 5121448x 7.4
6. 5123792x 0.0
7. 7146695x 7.7
8. 9130210x 8.4
9. 6146259x 0.0
10. 10137857x 8.5
11. 10140420x 9.6
12. 9153253x 0.0
0. 10109495x 0.0
1. 8157025x 0.0
2. 5124045x 7.1
3. 5117260x 7.3
4. 4100068x 7.4
5. 8103881x 8.1
6. 8103167x 0.0
7. 693052x 7.6
8. 791606x 7.2
9. 1090274x 7.0
10. 1096985x 7.0
11. 990661x 9.1
12. 890286x 0.0
0. 544418x 8.1
1. 16152735x 6.9
2. 9104642x 5.9
3. 12102089x 7.1
4. 9100429x 4.9
5. 897784x 5.0
6. 1196611x 6.3
7. 1189458x 6.3
8. 1287980x 0.0
9. 1293343x 6.0
10. 1391364x 5.1
1. 870526x 0.0
2. 956854x 0.0
3. 1467333x 4.2
4. 758630x 6.5
5. 1364137x 7.5
6. 950166x 5.0
7. 653614x 0.0
8. 1458919x 6.9
9. 1049651x 6.4
10. 1150195x 0.0
1. 932570x 0.0
2. 634051x 0.0
3. 727742x 6.0
4. 927362x 0.0
5. 726404x 0.0
6. 524206x 0.0
149x 0.0
156x 0.0
1104x 0.0
1394x 0.0
1268x 0.0
1319x 0.0
1213x 0.0
1216x 0.0
1223x 0.0
1280x 0.0
1220x 0.0
1218x 0.0
1408x 0.0
1246x 0.0
1221x 0.0
1358x 0.0
11290x 0.0
1291x 0.0
1478x 0.0
1494x 0.0
1476x 0.0
1578x 0.0
1322x 0.0
1236x 0.0
1238x 0.0
1213x 0.0
1383x 0.0
1375x 0.0
1403x 0.0
1358x 0.0
1378x 0.0
1221x 0.0
1311x 0.0
1217x 0.0
1221x 0.0
1258x 0.0
1218x 0.0
1249x 0.0
1350x 0.0
1256x 0.0