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"Mad Men" At the Codfish Ball azpitituluak Hungariera

Denboraldia: 5 - Atala: 7

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Filmaren xehetasunak

imdbDon gets a visit from the in-laws and his children just as he's about to receive a prestigious award and tries to save the Heinz account. Meanwhile, Peggy and her boyfriend take the next step in their relationship.

Filmaren maila: 8.7 / 10 (2240)

Zuzendaria: - -

Idazlea: -

Antzezleak: - - - -

AKA: Reklámőrültek, Mad Men - Reklámőrültek, Mad Men, Commissions and Fees, The Other Woman, Mad Men - s5 e7 - At The Codfish Ball, Mad Men - Inventando Verdades

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