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One Day at a Time (2017) 字幕

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Track Episodes

imdbFollows three generations of the same Cuban-American family living in the same house: a newly divorced former military mother, her teenage daughter and tween son, and her old-school mother.

電影評分: 8.2 / 10 (18307)

Season: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #unclassified episodes

導演: -

編劇: -

演員表: - - - -

電影名 # 已下載電影評分 Latest
1. 2126332x 7.3
2. 1713265x 8.0
3. 1913155x 8.2
4. 159950x 8.1
5. 1710844x 8.5
6. 149276x 8.1
7. 179893x 8.1
8. 2112576x 8.7
9. 158638x 8.5
10. 158977x 8.9
11. 159022x 8.6
12. 158603x 8.2
13. 1522641x 9.2
1. 196343x 8.7
2. 2110895x 8.0
3. 175823x 8.6
4. 237103x 8.2
5. 248698x 8.9
6. 248497x 8.1
7. 174027x 8.4
8. 163945x 8.7
9. 238823x 9.3
10. 206848x 8.2
11. 225076x 8.5
12. 215918x 8.6
13. 234285x 0.0
1. 1211528x 0.0
2. 115092x 8.3
3. 116500x 8.0
4. 144429x 8.4
5. 134447x 8.5
6. 134233x 8.3
7. 134277x 8.6
8. 134308x 8.2
9. 134049x 8.6
10. 114031x 8.5
11. 124115x 8.3
12. 124171x 8.9
13. 124706x 8.8
1. 825048x 9.0
2. 715378x 8.7
3. 713027x 9.0
4. 612032x 0.0
5. 59214x 9.0
6. 57777x 8.3
7. 47679x 8.4
119x 8.2
120x 8.2
122x 8.2
118x 8.2
121x 8.2
117x 8.2
124x 8.2
119x 8.2
118x 8.2
122x 8.2
123x 8.2
127x 8.2
130x 8.2
125x 8.2
126x 8.2
117x 8.2
116x 8.2
119x 8.2
117x 8.2
117x 8.2
116x 8.2