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Oppenheimer (1980) асъязмалар

Oppenheimer онлайн кара

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Фильм үзлекләре

imdbBiography of the American physicist who led the U.S. effort to develop the atomic bomb during World War II, only to find himself suspected as a security risk in the 1950s.

Фильм дәрәҗәсе: 8.2 / 10 (746)

Чор: #1

Рольләрдә: - -

AKA: Oppenheimer

Фильм исеме # ЙөкләнгәнФильм дәрәҗәсе Latest
1. 13880x 0.0
2. 1677x 0.0
3. 11745x 0.0
4. 1652x 0.0
5. 1652x 0.0
6. 1731x 0.0
7. 1683x 0.0
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