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"Doctor Who" The Seeds of Doom: Part Three асъязмалар

Чор: 13 - Бүлек: 23

Бу ТВ сериал өчен бар асъязмалар

"Doctor Who" The Seeds of Doom: Part Three онлайн кара

Amazon'нан сатып ал

Фильм үзлекләре

imdbSurviving two attempts to end their lives, the Doctor and Sarah seek the identity of the plant fanatic who ordered the hit on the arctic base, pursuing their only lead - a commissioned painting of a rare flower left in the boot of...

Фильм дәрәҗәсе: 8.5 / 10 (495)

Режиссер: - -


Рольләрдә: - - - -

AKA: Dr. Who, "Doctor Who" Resurrection of the Daleks Part Two Subtitles, The Myth Makers, Dalek Cutaway, Doctor Who, "Doctor Who" Resurrection of the Daleks Part Three Subtitles, Docteur Who

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