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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull титлови

Гледај Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull онлајн

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Подаци о филму

imdbSet in 1957, it pits Indiana Jones against Soviet KGB agents led by Irina Spalko searching for a telepathic crystal skull located in Peru.

Оцена филма: 6.2 / 10 (496194)

Режија: - - -

Сценарио: - -

Улоге: - - - -

Други назив: Indijana Džouns i kraljevstvo kristalne lobanje, Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods, Iндiана Джонс та Королiвство Кришталевого Черепа, Fourth Installment of the Indiana Jones Adventures, Raiders of the Lost Ark Sequel, Indiana Jones e o Reino da Caveira de Cristal, Indiana Jones 4, The Untitled Genre Project

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