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"Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" The Wilds of South Africa S02E02 Portugalisht titra (2020) 1CD srt

Seria: 2 - Episodi: 2

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Rreth filmit:Rreth filmit @ http://www.imdb.com
Postera:Postera @ http://www.imdb.com
Te tjera:Linku yt ketu
Detajet e filmitAKA:The Wilds of South Africa (eng)
Vleresimi i filmit:7.9 / 10 (697)
[ ] - Chef Ramsay gets up close with rhinos, giraffes, zebras, and hippos in the dramatic wilderness of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as he learns the secrets of the traditional cuisine of Zulu warriors in masters using a local braai.
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