පිටුවේ භාෂාව
ඔබ ඇතුළත් වී නැහැ!   පිවිසුම | ලියාපදිංචිය
සංකීර්ණ වුම්

MythBusters (2003) සර්බියානු උපසිරැසි

ජාලගත නැරඹුම් MythBustersයි

Amazon හි මිළදී ගන්න

Track Episodes
චිත්‍රපට තොරතුරු

imdbA weekly documentary in which two Hollywood special effects experts attempt to debunk urban legends by directly testing them.

චිත්‍රපට අගය: 8.3 / 10 (55135)

මාලාව: #Special - #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #11 - #12 - #13 - #14 - #15


ල‌ේඛක ගෞරවය:

නළු නිළියන්: - - - -

AKA: Razotkrivanje mitova, MythBusters, Les Stupéfiants, Állítólag

චිත්‍රපට නාමය # බාගත්චිත්‍රපට අගය Latest
0. Valentine's Day Myth Madnessඋඩුගත
1. Pilot 1: Jet-Assisted Chevy/Pop Rocks and Sodaඋඩුගත
2. Pilot 2: Vacuum Toilet/Biscuit Bazooka/Leaping Lawyerඋඩුගත
3. Pilot 3: Larry's Lawn-Chair Balloon/Goldfinger/Poppy-Seed Drug Testඋඩුගත
4. Ice Bullet/Exploding Toilet/Who Gets Wetter?උඩුගත
5. Cell Phone Destruction/Silicone Breasts/CD-ROM Shatteringඋඩුගත
6. Barrel of Bricks/Pissing on the Third Rail/Eel Skin Walletඋඩුගත
7. Penny Drop/Deadly Microwaves/Radio Tooth Fillingsඋඩුගත
8. Hammer Bridge Drop/Buried Alive/Colaඋඩුගත
9. Lightning Strikes Tongue Piercing/Tree Cannon/Beat the Breath Testඋඩුගත
10. Stinky Car/Raccoon Rocketඋඩුගත
11. Escape from Alcatraz/Duck Quack/Stud Finderඋඩුගත
12. Explosive Decompression/Frog Giggin'/Rear Axleඋඩුගත
13. Chicken Gun/Octopus Pregnancy/Killer Washing Machineඋඩුගත
14. Break Step Bridge/Toothbrush Surprise/Rowing Water Skierඋඩුගත
15. Sinking Titanic/Goldfish Memory/Trombone Explosionඋඩුගත
16. Buried in Concrete/Daddy Longlegs/Jet Taxiඋඩුගත
17. Best Animal Mythsඋඩුගත
18. Best Electric Mythsඋඩුගත
1. Myths Revisitedඋඩුගත
2. Best Explosionsඋඩුගත
3. Scuba Diver/Car Capersඋඩුගත
4. Ancient Death Ray/Skunk Cleaning/What Is Bulletproof?උඩුගත
5. Elevator of Death/Levitation Machineඋඩුගත
6. Beat the Radar Detectorඋඩුගත
7. Quicksand/Bathtub/Electrocution/MRI Rays and Tattoosඋඩුගත
8. Exploding Jawbreakerඋඩුගත
9. Pingpong Rescueඋඩුගත
10. Boom-Lift Catapultඋඩුගත
11. Exploding Houseඋඩුගත
12. Ming Dynasty Astronautඋඩුගත
13. Viewers Choice Christmas Specialඋඩුගත
14. Buster Specialඋඩුගත
15. Ultimate Mythbustersඋඩුගත
1. Brown Noteඋඩුගත
2. Salsa Escapeඋඩුගත
3. Exploding Port-A-Pottyඋඩුගත
4. Is Yawning Contagious?උඩුගත
5. Mythbusters Outtakesඋඩුගත
6. Cooling a Six Packඋඩුගත
7. Son of a Gunඋඩුගත
8. Shop Til You Dropඋඩුගත
9. Mythbusters Revealedඋඩුගත
10. Hollywood on Trialඋඩුගත
11. Breaking Glassඋඩුගත
12. Jet Packඋඩුගත
13. Killer Brace Positionඋඩුගත
14. Bullet Proof Water, 360 Degree Swingඋඩුගත
15. Escape Slide Parachuteඋඩුගත
16. Border Slingshotඋඩුගත
17. Killer Tissue Boxඋඩුගත
18. Jaws Specialඋඩුගත
19. Mythbusters Revisitedඋඩුගත
20. Chinese Invasion Alarmඋඩුගත
21. 1141x 7.6
22. 197x 7.5
25. Steel Toe Amputationඋඩුගත
26. Seasickness: Kill or Cureඋඩුගත
1. Paper Crossbowඋඩුගත
2. Shredded Planeඋඩුගත
3. Archimedes Death Ray Revisitedඋඩුගත
4. Helium Footballඋඩුගත
5. Franklin's Kiteඋඩුගත
6. Cell Phones on Planesඋඩුගත
7. Bullets Fired Upඋඩුගත
8. Mythbusters Revisited IIIඋඩුගත
9. Mind Controlඋඩුගත
10. Exploding Pantsඋඩුගත
11. Crimes and Myth-Demeanors 1උඩුගත
12. Steam Cannonඋඩුගත
13. Whirlpool/Snowplowඋඩුගත
14. Mentos and Sodaඋඩුගත
15. Shattering Subwooferඋඩුගත
16. Crimes and Myth-demeanors 2උඩුගත
17. Earthquake Machineඋඩුගත
18. Deadly Strawඋඩුගත
19. Mega Movie Mythsඋඩුගත
20. Killer Cable Snapsඋඩුගත
21. Air Cylinder Rocketඋඩුගත
22. More Myths Revisitedඋඩුගත
23. Exploding Lighterඋඩුගත
24. Concrete Gliderඋඩුගත
25. Firearms Folkloreඋඩුගත
26. Anti-Gravity Deviceඋඩුගත
27. Holiday Specialඋඩුගත
28. 22,000 Foot Fallඋඩුගත
1. Hindenburg Mysteryඋඩුගත
2. Pirate Specialඋඩුගත
3. Underwater Carඋඩුගත
4. Speed Camerasඋඩුගත
5. Dog Mythsඋඩුගත
6. Myths Reduxඋඩුගත
7. Voice Flame Extinguisherඋඩුගත
8. Birds in a Truckඋඩුගත
9. Walking on Waterඋඩුගත
10. Western Mythsඋඩුගත
11. Big Rig Mythsඋඩුගත
12. Grenades and Gutsඋඩුගත
13. Snow Specialඋඩුගත
14. Baseball Mythsඋඩුගත
15. Viewers' Specialඋඩුගත
16. Red Flag to a Bullඋඩුගත
17. Superhero Hourඋඩුගත
18. Myth Evolutionඋඩුගත
19. Trail Blazersඋඩුගත
20. Exploding Water Heaterඋඩුගත
21. Super Sized Myths!උඩුගත
22. Shooting Fish in a Barrelඋඩුගත
23. Pirates 2!උඩුගත
24. Confederate Steam Gunඋඩුගත
25. Airplane Hourඋඩුගත
1. James Bond Special: Part 1උඩුගත
2. Lead Balloonඋඩුගත
3. Airplane on Conveyor Beltඋඩුගත
4. James Bond Special: Part 2උඩුගත
5. Viewers Special 2උඩුගත
6. MacGyver Specialඋඩුගත
7. Alaska Specialඋඩුගත
8. MythBusters Young Scientists Specialඋඩුගත
9. Shark Week Special 2උඩුගත
10. Exploding Steakඋඩුගත
11. NASA Moon Landing Hoaxඋඩුගත
12. Viral Hourඋඩුගත
13. Phonebook Frictionඋඩුගත
14. Water Stun Gunඋඩුගත
15. Blind Drivingඋඩුගත
16. Ninjas 2උඩුගත
17. Alcohol Mythsඋඩුගත
18. Motorcycle Flipඋඩුගත
19. Coffin Punchඋඩුගත
20. End with a Bangඋඩුගත
21. Viewer Special Threequelඋඩුගත
1. Demolition Derby Specialඋඩුගත
2. Alaska Special: Part 2උඩුගත
3. Exploding Bumpersඋඩුගත
4. Banana Slip/Double Dipඋඩුගත
5. Seesaw Sagaඋඩුගත
6. Swimming in Syrupඋඩුගත
7. YouTube Specialඋඩුගත
8. Thermite vs. Iceඋඩුගත
9. Prison Escape: Part 2උඩුගත
10. Curving Bulletsඋඩුගත
11. Car vs. Rainඋඩුගත
12. Knock Your Socks Off!උඩුගත
13. Duct Tape Hourඋඩුගත
14. Dirty vs. Clean Carඋඩුගත
15. Greased Lightningඋඩුගත
16. Hurricane Windowsඋඩුගත
17. Crash and Burnඋඩුගත
18. Myth Evolution 2උඩුගත
19. Dumpster Divingඋඩුගත
20. Antacid Jail Breakඋඩුගත
21. Unarmed and Unharmedඋඩුගත
22. Hidden Nastiesඋඩුගත
23. Mini Myth Mayhemඋඩුගත
24. Boomerang Bulletඋඩුගත
1. Soda Cup Killerඋඩුගත
2. Dive to Surviveඋඩුගත
3. Spy Car Escapeඋඩුගත
4. Bottle Bashඋඩුගත
5. No Pain, No Gainඋඩුගත
6. Mythssion Controlඋඩුගත
7. Duct Tape Hour 2උඩුගත
8. Waterslide Wipeoutඋඩුගත
9. Fireball Stun Gunඋඩුගත
10. Flu Fictionඋඩුගත
11. Mythbusters Top 25 Momentsඋඩුගත
12. Hair of the Dogඋඩුගත
13. Storm Chasing Mythsඋඩුගත
14. Cold Feetඋඩුගත
15. Tablecloth Chaosඋඩුගත
16. Arrow Machine Gunඋඩුගත
17. Mini Myth Madnessඋඩුගත
18. Reverse Engineeringඋඩුගත
19. Inverted Underwater Carඋඩුගත
20. Bug Specialඋඩුගත
21. President's Challengeඋඩුගත
22. Green Hornet Specialඋඩුගත
23. Operation Valkyrieඋඩුගත
24. Hollywood Havocඋඩුගත
1. Mission Impossible Maskඋඩුගත
2. Blue Iceඋඩුගත
3. Running on Waterඋඩුගත
4. Bubble Troubleඋඩුගත
5. Torpedo Tasticඋඩුගත
6. Blow Your Own Sailඋඩුගත
7. Spy Car 2උඩුගත
8. Dodge a Bulletඋඩුගත
9. Fixing a Flatඋඩුගත
10. Planes, Trains and Automobiles Specialඋඩුගත
11. Let There Be Lightඋඩුගත
12. Paper Armorඋඩුගත
13. Bikes and Bazookasඋඩුගත
14. Newton's Crane Cradleඋඩුගත
15. Walk a Straight Lineඋඩුගත
16. Duct Tape Planeඋඩුගත
17. Flying Guillotineඋඩුගත
18. Drain Disasterඋඩුගත
19. Location, Location, Locationඋඩුගත
20. Wet and Wildඋඩුගත
21. Wheel of Mythfortuneඋඩුගත
22. Toilet Bombඋඩුගත
1. Duct Tape Islandඋඩුගත
2. Fire vs. Iceඋඩුගත
3. Square Wheelsඋඩුගත
4. Swinging Piratesඋඩුගත
5. Battle of the Sexesඋඩුගත
6. Driving in Heelsඋඩුගත
7. Revenge of the Mythඋඩුගත
8. Bouncing Bulletඋඩුගත
9. Mailbag Specialඋඩුගත
10. Bubble Pack Plungeඋඩුගත
11. Duel Dilemmasඋඩුගත
12. Hollywood Gunslingersඋඩුගත
13. Jawsome Shark Specialඋඩුගත
14. Titanic Survivalඋඩුගත
15. Trench Torpedoඋඩුගත
16. Hail Hijinxඋඩුගත
17. Fright Nightඋඩුගත
18. Mini Myth Medleyඋඩුගත
19. Cannonball Chemistryඋඩුගත
20. Food Fablesඋඩුගත
21. Explosions A to Zඋඩුගත
1. JATO Rocket Car: Mission Accomplished?උඩුගත
2. Deadliest Catch Crabtastic Specialඋඩුගත
3. Down and Dirty; Earthquake Survivalඋඩුගත
4. Indy Car Specialඋඩුගත
5. Battle of the Sexes: Round 2උඩුගත
6. Motorcycle Water Skiඋඩුගත
7. Hypermiling/Crash Cushionsඋඩුගත
8. Duct Tape Canyonඋඩුගත
9. Painting with Explosives/Bifurcated Boatඋඩුගත
10. Breaking Bad Specialඋඩුගත
11. Zombie Specialඋඩුගත
1. Star Wars: Revenge of the Mythඋඩුගත
2. Moonshine Mythsඋඩුගත
3. Hollywood Car Crash Clichesඋඩුගත
4. Car Chase Chaos/Animal Anticsඋඩුගත
5. Do Try This at Home.උඩුගත
6. Mythssion Impossibleඋඩුගත
7. Bullet Baloneyඋඩුගත
8. Supersonic Ping Pong/Ice Cannonඋඩුගත
9. Fire in the Holeඋඩුගත
10. Household Disastersඋඩුගත
11. Commercial Mythsඋඩුගත
12. Road Rageඋඩුගත
13. Laws of Attractionඋඩුගත
14. Traffic Tricksඋඩුගත
15. Plane Boarding/Bite the Bulletඋඩුගත
1. The Simpsons Specialඋඩුගත
2. The Busters of the Lost Mythsඋඩුගත
3. The A-Team Specialඋඩුගත
4. Video Games Specialඋඩුගත
5. Transformersඋඩුගත
6. San Francisco Driftඋඩුගත
7. Blow It Out the Waterඋඩුගත
8. Flights of Fantasyඋඩුගත
9. Accidental Ammoඋඩුගත
10. Dangerous Drivingඋඩුගත
11. Supernatural Shootersඋඩුගත
12. Unfinished Businessඋඩුගත
13. Star Wars: The Myths Strike Backඋඩුගත
14. MythBusters vs. Jawsඋඩුගත
0. Mythbusters Revealed: The Behind the Scenes Season Openerඋඩුගත
1. The Explosion Specialඋඩුගත
2. Tanker Crushඋඩුගත
3. Cooking Chaosඋඩුගත
4. Driven to Destructionඋඩුගත
5. Volunteer Specialඋඩුගත
6. Failure Is Not an Optionඋඩුගත
7. Rocketmenඋඩුගත
8. The Reddit Specialඋඩුගත
9. The Mythbusters Grand Finaleඋඩුගත
10. Mythbusters: The Reunionඋඩුගත
11. Duct Tape: The Returnඋඩුගත
0. Electrified Escapeඋඩුගත
1. Heads Will Rollඋඩුගත
2. Chimney Cannonඋඩුගත
3. Earthquake Water Heaterඋඩුගත
4. Rock 'n' Roll Road Rageඋඩුගත
5. Invisible Assassinsඋඩුගත
6. Dead Body Doubleඋඩුගත
7. Fire Arrow vs. Gas Tankඋඩුගත
8. Pane in the Glassඋඩුගත
9. Wild Wild Westඋඩුගත
10. Spike in the Roadඋඩුගත
11. Dynamite Depositඋඩුගත
12. Backseat Getaway Driverඋඩුගත
13. Episode #15.13උඩුගත
අපට උපකාර කරන්න