පිටුවේ භාෂාව
ඔබ ඇතුළත් වී නැහැ!   පිවිසුම | ලියාපදිංචිය
සංකීර්ණ වුම්

Fairy Tail (2009) උපසිරැසි

ජාලගත නැරඹුම් Fairy Tailයි

Amazon හි මිළදී ගන්න

Track Episodes
චිත්‍රපට තොරතුරු


චිත්‍රපට අගය: 0.0 / 10 (0)

මාලාව: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #වෙන් නොකෙරුණු කථාංග

අධ්‍යක්ෂණය: - -

ල‌ේඛක ගෞරවය: -

නළු නිළියන්: - - - -

AKA: Fairy Tail - Prólog do Filme, Fairy Tail OVA 07: Yousei-tachi no Batsu Game, Fairy Tail Crunchyroll, Fairy Tail Zero, FairyTail_Stage

චිත්‍රපට නාමය # බාගත්චිත්‍රපට අගය Latest
1. 2244x 7.8
2. 1125x 7.5
3. Infiltrate! The Everlue Mansion!උඩුගත
4. Dear Kabyඋඩුගත
5. 189x 7.6
6. 183x 7.7
7. 2653x 7.8
8. 2682x 0.0
9. 2645x 6.7
10. 175x 7.6
11. 189x 7.6
12. 175x 7.8
13. 181x 7.7
14. 172x 7.7
15. 171x 8.0
16. 168x 7.9
17. 168x 7.8
18. 169x 7.5
19. 168x 7.4
20. 173x 7.7
21. 168x 8.0
22. 173x 7.9
23. 173x 7.8
24. 173x 8.1
25. 171x 8.1
26. 163x 0.0
27. 177x 7.9
28. 165x 8.6
29. 167x 7.9
30. 167x 7.4
31. 170x 7.6
32. 169x 8.1
33. 169x 7.8
34. 162x 8.1
35. 163x 7.9
36. 162x 7.6
37. 163x 7.7
38. 166x 8.0
39. 173x 8.0
40. 165x 8.7
41. 162x 0.0
42. 168x 8.0
43. 163x 8.0
44. 165x 7.9
45. 164x 8.4
46. 2537x 8.1
47. 162x 8.4
48. 168x 8.4
49. 1681x 0.0
50. Special Request: Watch Out for the Guy You Likeඋඩුගත
51. 1363x 7.5
52. Allied Forces, Assemble!උඩුගත
53. Enter the Oración Seis!උඩුගත
54. Maiden of the Skyඋඩුගත
55. The Girl and the Ghostඋඩුගත
56. Dead Grand Prixඋඩුගත
57. Darknessඋඩුගත
58. Celestial Skirmishඋඩුගත
59. Jellal of Days Gone Byඋඩුගත
60. March to Destructionඋඩුගත
61. Super Aerial Battle: Natsu vs. Cobra!උඩුගත
62. Wizard Saint Juraඋඩුගත
63. Your Wordsඋඩුගත
64. Zeroඋඩුගත
65. From Pegasus to Fairiesඋඩුගත
66. The Power of Feelingsඋඩුගත
67. I'm with Youඋඩුගත
68. A Guild for Oneඋඩුගත
69. Call of the Dragonඋඩුගත
70. Natsu vs. Gray!!උඩුගත
71. Friendship Overcomes the Deadඋඩුගත
72. A Fairy Tail Wizardඋඩුගත
73. Rainbow Cherry Blossomsඋඩුගත
74. Wendy's First Big Job!?උඩුගත
75. 24-Hour Endurance Road Raceඋඩුගත
76. Gildartsඋඩුගත
77. Earth Landඋඩුගත
78. Edolasඋඩුගත
79. Fairy Hunterඋඩුගත
80. Key of Hopeඋඩුගත
81. Fireballඋඩුගත
82. Welcome Homeඋඩුගත
83. Extaliaඋඩුගත
84. Fly, to Our Friends!උඩුගත
85. Code ETDඋඩුගත
86. Erza vs. Erzaඋඩුගත
87. These Are Lives!!!!උඩුගත
88. For Pride's Sake, the River of Starsඋඩුගත
89. The Apocalyptic Dragon Chain Cannonඋඩුගත
90. The Boy Back Thenඋඩුගත
91. Dragon Senseඋඩුගත
92. O Living Onesඋඩුගත
93. I'm Standing Right Hereඋඩුගත
94. Bye-Bye Edolasඋඩුගත
95. Lisannaඋඩුගත
96. He Who Extinguishes Lifeඋඩුගත
97. Best Partnersඋඩුගත
98. Who's the Lucky One?උඩුගත
99. Natsu vs. Gildartsඋඩුගත
100. Mestඋඩුගත
101. 1188x 8.0
102. Iron Soulඋඩුගත
103. Makarov Strikesඋඩුගත
104. Lost Magicඋඩුගත
105. Fire Dragon vs. Flame Godඋඩුගත
106. The Ultimate Magic Worldඋඩුගත
107. Arc of Embodimentඋඩුගත
108. The Door of Humansඋඩුගත
109. Lucy Fireඋඩුගත
110. Dead-End of Despairඋඩුගත
111. The Tears of Love and Lifeඋඩුගත
112. The One Thing I Couldn't Sayඋඩුගත
113. Tenrou Treeඋඩුගත
114. Erza vs. Azumaඋඩුගත
115. Frozen Spiritඋඩුගත
116. The Power That Becomes Lifeඋඩුගත
117. Thunder Crashesඋඩුගත
118. The Man Without the Markඋඩුගත
119. Realm of the Abyssඋඩුගත
120. Daybreak at Tenrou Islandඋඩුගත
121. The Right to Loveඋඩුගත
122. Let's Join Handsඋඩුගත
123. X791 Fairy Tailඋඩුගත
124. The Empty Seven Yearsඋඩුගත
125. Magic Dance Ballඋඩුගත
126. The Truly Evil Jiggle Butt Gangඋඩුගත
127. The Terror of Invisible Lucyඋඩුගත
128. Father's Mementoඋඩුගත
129. Raging Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxusඋඩුගත
130. Targeted Lucyඋඩුගත
131. Legion's Fiercenessඋඩුගත
132. Key of the Starry Heavenඋඩුගත
133. Traveling Companionsඋඩුගත
134. Labyrinth Rhapsodyඋඩුගත
135. Trail of the Mythඋඩුගත
136. The True Villain, Once Againඋඩුගත
137. That Which Exceeds Calculationඋඩුගත
138. The Whereabouts of the Crusadeඋඩුගත
139. The Moment That's Activatedඋඩුගත
140. Reborn Oración Seis Appears!උඩුගත
141. Chase the Infinite Clock!උඩුගත
142. The Dissonance of Battleඋඩුගත
143. Anti-Linkඋඩුගත
144. Unleashed Despairඋඩුගත
145. Real Nightmareඋඩුගත
146. The Spiral of Timeඋඩුගත
147. To the Infinity Castle!උඩුගත
148. The Angel's Tearsඋඩුගත
149. A Friend's Voice Is Heardඋඩුගත
150. Lucy and Michelleඋඩුගත
151. Sabertoothඋඩුගත
152. And We Aim for the Topඋඩුගත
153. Song of the Starsඋඩුගත
154. 118x 8.3
155. 118x 8.6
156. 116x 0.0
157. 116x 0.0
158. 115x 8.6
159. 116x 0.0
160. 115x 0.0
161. 115x 8.8
162. 116x 7.8
163. 116x 0.0
164. 116x 0.0
165. 117x 0.0
166. 121x 0.0
167. 119x 8.0
168. 116x 0.0
169. 117x 0.0
170. 117x 0.0
171. 117x 9.2
172. 117x 0.0
173. 119x 0.0
174. 120x 7.4
175. 127x 8.9
1. 142x 8.4
2. The Eclipse Projectඋඩුගත
3. 138x 8.3
4. 137x 0.0
5. 136x 0.0
6. 134x 0.0
7. 136x 0.0
8. 134x 0.0
9. 133x 0.0
10. 133x 0.0
11. 134x 7.8
12. 134x 0.0
13. 135x 9.2
14. 136x 8.8
15. 135x 0.0
16. 132x 0.0
17. 133x 0.0
18. 136x 0.0
19. 134x 0.0
20. 134x 0.0
21. 132x 8.4
22. 134x 0.0
23. 133x 0.0
24. 133x 0.0
25. 135x 6.2
26. 133x 7.6
27. 134x 7.6
28. 132x 7.9
29. 131x 7.2
30. 132x 5.4
31. 133x 0.0
32. 134x 0.0
33. 131x 5.2
34. 133x 0.0
35. 132x 0.0
36. 132x 7.8
37. Juvia vs. Aries - Clash in the Desert!උඩුගත
38. 130x 0.0
39. 129x 0.0
40. 128x 5.8
41. 131x 7.6
42. 129x 0.0
43. 128x 0.0
44. 128x 0.0
45. 128x 7.9
46. 129x 0.0
47. 129x 0.0
48. 130x 0.0
49. 129x 0.0
50. 131x 0.0
51. 131x 0.0
52. OVA 1: Welcome to Fairy Hills!!උඩුගත
53. OVA 2: Fairy Academy - Yankee and Yankeeඋඩුගත
54. OVA 3: Memory Daysඋඩුගත
55. Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestessඋඩුගත
56. OVA 4: Fairies' Training Campඋඩුගත
57. OVA 5: The First Morningඋඩුගත
58. OVA 6: Welcome to Ryuzetsu Landඋඩුගත
59. OVA 6: Fairy Tail x Rave Masterඋඩුගත
1. 134x 0.0
2. 129x 0.0
3. 131x 0.0
4. 129x 8.7
5. 129x 0.0
6. Voice of the Flameඋඩුගත
7. 128x 0.0
8. 154x 0.0
9. 131x 0.0
10. 133x 0.0
11. 135x 0.0
12. 133x 0.0
13. 132x 8.4
14. 132x 8.5
15. 135x 0.0
16. 134x 0.0
17. 134x 8.7
18. 142x 0.0
19. 136x 0.0
20. 133x 8.7
21. 134x 0.0
22. 133x 8.6
23. 134x 0.0
24. 134x 0.0
25. 131x 0.0
26. 131x 9.6
27. 131x 0.0
28. 131x 0.0
29. 132x 9.6
30. 130x 9.1
31. 134x 0.0
32. 132x 0.0
33. 130x 0.0
34. 128x 0.0
35. 132x 0.0
36. 130x 0.0
37. 134x 0.0
38. 130x 0.0
39. 134x 0.0
1. 129x 7.5
2. 137x 0.0
3. 134x 0.0
4. 139x 0.0
5. 137x 0.0
6. 137x 0.0
7. 135x 0.0
8. 136x 0.0
9. 133x 0.0
10. 135x 0.0
11. 135x 0.0
12. 136x 8.4
13. OVA 8: Fairies' Penalty Gameඋඩුගත
14. OVA 9: Natsu vs. Mavisඋඩුගත
15. OVA 10: Fairies' Christmasඋඩුගත
1. The Lamia Scale Thanksgiving Festivalඋඩුගත
2. Because I Love Youඋඩුගත
3. Avatarඋඩුගත
4. Underground Fightඋඩුගත
5. Purification Strategyඋඩුගත
6. Ikusa-Tsunagiඋඩුගත
7. Memoirsඋඩුගත
8. The Seventh Guild Masterඋඩුගත
9. Law of Spaceඋඩුගත
10. Emperor Sprigganඋඩුගත
11. To The Land Abandoned by Godsඋඩුගත
12. Mavis and Zerefඋඩුගත
13. Fairy Heartඋඩුගත
14. 2233x 8.7
15. 1149x 0.0
16. This Parfum Goes To?උඩුගත
17. Natsu vs. Zerefඋඩුගත
18. Across 400 Yearsඋඩුගත
19. What I Want to Doඋඩුගත
20. Not Until the Battle is Overඋඩුගත
21. In a Silent Timeඋඩුගත
22. Natsu, Revived!!උඩුගත
23. Historia of Corpsesඋඩුගත
24. Mettleඋඩුගත
25. The Third Sealඋඩුගත
26. Together, Alwaysඋඩුගත
27. 125x 0.0
28. 122x 0.0
29. 122x 0.0
30. 123x 0.0
31. 124x 0.0
32. 122x 0.0
33. 123x 8.7
34. 122x 0.0
35. 121x 0.0
36. 121x 0.0
37. 124x 0.0
38. 121x 0.0
39. 124x 0.0
40. 128x 0.0
41. 117x 0.0
42. 122x 8.6
43. 125x 0.0
44. 127x 0.0
45. 123x 0.0
46. 131x 8.6
47. 121x 0.0
48. 121x 0.0
49. 123x 0.0
50. 122x 0.0
51. 123x 9.6
113x 0.0
117x 0.0
113x 0.0
114x 0.0
112x 0.0
115x 0.0
113x 0.0
113x 0.0
113x 0.0
116x 0.0
113x 0.0
114x 0.0
113x 0.0
113x 0.0
112x 0.0
116x 0.0
114x 0.0
116x 0.0
114x 0.0
115x 0.0
114x 0.0
116x 0.0
114x 0.0
117x 0.0
114x 0.0
115x 0.0
113x 0.0
118x 0.0
113x 0.0
114x 0.0
116x 0.0
114x 0.0
118x 0.0
114x 0.0
115x 0.0
115x 0.0
115x 0.0
119x 0.0
117x 0.0
122x 0.0
අපට උපකාර කරන්න