පිටුවේ භාෂාව
ඔබ ඇතුළත් වී නැහැ!   පිවිසුම | ලියාපදිංචිය
සංකීර්ණ වුම්

Friends (1994) මැසිඩෝනියානු උපසිරැසි

ජාලගත නැරඹුම් Friendsයි

Amazon හි මිළදී ගන්න

Track Episodes
චිත්‍රපට තොරතුරු


චිත්‍රපට අගය: 0.0 / 10 (0)

මාලාව: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #10 - #වෙන් නොකෙරුණු කථාංග

අධ්‍යක්ෂණය: -

ල‌ේඛක ගෞරවය: -

නළු නිළියන්: - - - -

AKA: The One with Joeys Porsche, The One Where Paul's the Man, Friends Getting to the Hospital (Clip) TBS, The One Where Ross Got High, The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeths Dad

චිත්‍රපට නාමය # බාගත්චිත්‍රපට අගය Latest
1. 837051x 0.0
2. 514013x 0.0
3. 21293x 0.0
4. 21469x 0.0
5. 1787x 0.0
6. 1597x 0.0
7. 21714x 0.0
8. 21484x 0.0
9. 3717x 0.0
10. 3993x 0.0
11. 3687x 0.0
12. 2590x 0.0
13. 2583x 0.0
14. 2589x 0.0
15. 3679x 0.0
16. 2820x 0.0
17. 1339x 0.0
18. 2763x 0.0
19. 3615x 0.0
20. 2712x 0.0
21. 2474x 0.0
22. 2693x 0.0
23. 2443x 0.0
24. 2544x 0.0
1. 23794x 0.0
2. 12435x 0.0
3. 2770x 0.0
4. 1262x 0.0
5. 1264x 0.0
6. 1251x 0.0
7. The One Where Ross Finds Outඋඩුගත
8. The One with the Listඋඩුගත
9. 1218x 0.0
10. 2877x 0.0
11. 1245x 0.0
12. 1279x 0.0
13. 1217x 0.0
14. 1340x 0.0
15. 1365x 0.0
16. 1363x 0.0
17. 1355x 0.0
18. 2403x 0.0
19. 2430x 0.0
20. 1348x 0.0
21. 1333x 0.0
22. 1335x 0.0
23. 1326x 0.0
24. 2518x 0.0
1. 1301x 0.0
2. 1284x 0.0
3. 1288x 0.0
4. 1281x 0.0
5. 1260x 0.0
6. 1258x 0.0
7. 1251x 0.0
8. 1231x 8.2
9. 1125x 0.0
10. 1212x 0.0
11. 1225x 0.0
12. The One with All the Jealousyඋඩුගත
13. 1207x 8.1
14. 1197x 0.0
15. 1217x 0.0
16. 1200x 0.0
17. 1205x 0.0
18. 1181x 0.0
19. 1184x 0.0
20. 1184x 0.0
21. 1188x 0.0
22. 1184x 0.0
23. 1198x 0.0
24. 1189x 0.0
25. The One at the Beachඋඩුගත
1. 1247x 0.0
2. 1264x 0.0
3. 1213x 0.0
4. 1241x 8.0
5. The One with Joey's New Girlfriendඋඩුගත
6. 1221x 0.0
7. The One Where Chandler Crosses the Lineඋඩුගත
8. 1195x 0.0
9. 1193x 0.0
10. 1205x 7.9
11. 1202x 0.0
12. 1206x 0.0
13. 1190x 8.1
14. 1196x 8.1
15. 1166x 0.0
16. 1185x 0.0
17. 1195x 0.0
18. The One with Rachel's New Dressඋඩුගත
19. 1190x 0.0
20. 1193x 0.0
21. 1185x 0.0
22. 1191x 0.0
23. 1187x 0.0
24. 1191x 9.1
1. The One After Ross Says Rachelඋඩුගත
2. The One with All the Kissingඋඩුගත
3. The One Hundredthඋඩුගත
4. The One Where Phoebe Hates PBSඋඩුගත
5. The One with the Kipsඋඩුගත
6. The One with the Yetiඋඩුගත
7. The One Where Ross Moves Inඋඩුගත
8. The One with All the Thanksgivingsඋඩුගත
9. The One with Ross's Sandwichඋඩුගත
10. The One with the Inappropriate Sisterඋඩුගත
11. The One with All the Resolutionsඋඩුගත
12. The One with Chandler's Work Laughඋඩුගත
13. The One with Joey's Bagඋඩුගත
14. The One Where Everybody Finds Outඋඩුගත
15. The One with the Girl Who Hits Joeyඋඩුගත
16. The One with the Copඋඩුගත
17. The One with Rachel's Inadvertent Kissඋඩුගත
18. The One Where Rachel Smokesඋඩුගත
19. The One Where Ross Can't Flirtඋඩුගත
20. The One with the Ride Alongඋඩුගත
21. The One with the Ballඋඩුගත
22. The One with Joey's Big Breakඋඩුගත
23. The One in Vegas: Part 1උඩුගත
24. The One in Vegas: Part 2උඩුගත
1. The One After Vegasඋඩුගත
2. The One Where Ross Hugs Rachelඋඩුගත
3. The One with Ross's Denialඋඩුගත
4. 2702x 0.0
5. 1473x 0.0
6. The One on the Last Nightඋඩුගත
7. The One Where Phoebe Runsඋඩුගත
8. The One with Ross' Teethඋඩුගත
9. 1512x 0.0
10. The One with the Routineඋඩුගත
11. The One with the Apothecary Tableඋඩුගත
12. The One with the Jokeඋඩුගත
13. The One with Rachel's Sisterඋඩුගත
14. The One Where Chandler Can't Cryඋඩුගත
15. The One That Could Have Been: Part 1උඩුගත
16. The One That Could Have Been: Part 2උඩුගත
17. 1485x 0.0
18. The One Where Ross Dates a Studentඋඩුගත
19. The One with Joey's Fridgeඋඩුගත
20. The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.උඩුගත
21. 1425x 0.0
22. 1444x 8.9
23. The One with the Ringඋඩුගත
24. The One with the Proposal: Part 1උඩුගත
25. The One with the Proposal: Part 2උඩුගත
1. The One with Monica's Thunderඋඩුගත
2. The One with Rachel's Bookඋඩුගත
3. The One with Phoebe's Cookiesඋඩුගත
4. The One with Rachel's Assistantඋඩුගත
5. The One with the Engagement Pictureඋඩුගත
6. The One with the Nap Partnersඋඩුගත
7. The One with Ross's Library Bookඋඩුගත
8. The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogsඋඩුගත
9. The One with All the Candyඋඩුගත
10. The One with the Holiday Armadilloඋඩුගත
11. The One with All the Cheesecakesඋඩුගත
12. The One Where They're Up All Nightඋඩුගත
13. The One Where Rosita Diesඋඩුගත
14. The One Where They All Turn Thirtyඋඩුගත
15. The One with Joey's New Brainඋඩුගත
16. The One with the Truth About Londonඋඩුගත
17. The One with the Cheap Wedding Dressඋඩුගත
18. The One with Joey's Awardඋඩුගත
19. The One with Ross and Monica's Cousinඋඩුගත
20. The One with Rachel's Big Kissඋඩුගත
21. The One with the Vowsඋඩුගත
22. The One with Chandler's Dadඋඩුගත
23. The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Part 1උඩුගත
24. The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Part 2උඩුගත
1. The One After I Doඋඩුගත
2. The One with the Red Sweaterඋඩුගත
3. The One Where Rachel Tells...උඩුගත
4. The One with the Videotapeඋඩුගත
5. The One with Rachel's Dateඋඩුගත
6. The One with the Halloween Partyඋඩුගත
7. The One with the Stainඋඩුගත
8. The One with the Stripperඋඩුගත
9. The One with the Rumorඋඩුගත
10. The One with Monica's Bootsඋඩුගත
11. The One with Ross's Step Forwardඋඩුගත
12. The One Where Joey Dates Rachelඋඩුගත
13. The One Where Chandler Takes a Bathඋඩුගත
14. The One with the Secret Closetඋඩුගත
15. The One with the Birthing Videoඋඩුගත
16. The One Where Joey Tells Rachelඋඩුගත
17. The One with the Tea Leavesඋඩුගත
18. The One in Massapequaඋඩුගත
19. The One with Joey's Interviewඋඩුගත
20. The One with the Baby Showerඋඩුගත
21. The One with the Cooking Classඋඩුගත
22. The One Where Rachel Is Lateඋඩුගත
23. The One Where Rachel Has a Baby: Part 1උඩුගත
24. The One Where Rachel Has a Baby: Part 2උඩුගත
1. The One Where No One Proposesඋඩුගත
2. The One Where Emma Criesඋඩුගත
3. The One with the Pediatricianඋඩුගත
4. The One with the Sharksඋඩුගත
5. The One with Phoebe's Birthday Dinnerඋඩුගත
6. The One with the Male Nannyඋඩුගත
7. The One with Ross's Inappropriate Songඋඩුගත
8. The One with Rachel's Other Sisterඋඩුගත
9. The One with Rachel's Phone Numberඋඩුගත
10. The One with Christmas in Tulsaඋඩුගත
11. The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Workඋඩුගත
12. The One with Phoebe's Ratsඋඩුගත
13. The One Where Monica Singsඋඩුගත
14. The One with the Blind Datesඋඩුගත
15. The One with the Muggingඋඩුගත
16. The One with the Boob Jobඋඩුගත
17. The One with the Memorial Serviceඋඩුගත
18. The One with the Lotteryඋඩුගත
19. The One with Rachel's Dreamඋඩුගත
20. The One with the Soap Opera Partyඋඩුගත
21. The One with the Fertility Testඋඩුගත
22. The One with the Donorඋඩුගත
23. The One in Barbadosඋඩුගත
1. The One After Joey and Rachel Kissඋඩුගත
2. The One Where Ross Is Fineඋඩුගත
3. The One with Ross's Tanඋඩුගත
4. The One with the Cakeඋඩුගත
5. The One Where Rachel's Sister Babysitsඋඩුගත
6. The One with Ross' Grantඋඩුගත
7. The One with the Home Studyඋඩුගත
8. The One with the Late Thanksgivingඋඩුගත
9. The One with the Birth Motherඋඩුගත
10. The One Where Chandler Gets Caughtඋඩුගත
11. The One Where the Stripper Criesඋඩුගත
12. The One with Phoebe's Weddingඋඩුගත
13. The One Where Joey Speaks Frenchඋඩුගත
14. The One with Princess Consuelaඋඩුගත
15. The One Where Estelle Diesඋඩුගත
16. The One with Rachel's Going Away Partyඋඩුගත
17. The Last Oneඋඩුගත
154x 0.0
අපට උපකාර කරන්න