පිටුවේ භාෂාව
ඔබ ඇතුළත් වී නැහැ!   පිවිසුම | ලියාපදිංචිය
සංකීර්ණ වුම්

Naruto (2002) අරාබි උපසිරැසි

ජාලගත නැරඹුම් Narutoයි

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චිත්‍රපට තොරතුරු


චිත්‍රපට අගය: 0.0 / 10 (0)

මාලාව: #1 - #වෙන් නොකෙරුණු කථාංග


ල‌ේඛක ගෞරවය:

නළු නිළියන්: - - - -

AKA: Naruto, Naruto Shounen-hen

චිත්‍රපට නාමය # බාගත්චිත්‍රපට අගය Latest
1. 651667x 0.0
2. 513584x 0.0
3. 46033x 0.0
4. 22630x 0.0
5. 43126x 0.0
6. 53811x 0.0
7. 32334x 7.7
8. 1230x 7.9
9. 41742x 0.0
10. 1228x 7.2
11. 1211x 0.0
12. 42170x 7.5
13. 41672x 7.8
14. 32079x 0.0
15. 31924x 0.0
16. 11512x 0.0
17. 11140x 7.9
18. 11248x 8.1
19. 1192x 8.7
20. 11538x 7.2
21. 11267x 0.0
22. 22214x 0.0
23. 21516x 7.4
24. 11355x 8.0
25. 21710x 0.0
26. 31682x 5.1
27. Daini shiken sutâto! Mawari wa min'na teki darake!උඩුගත
28. 1174x 0.0
29. 31571x 0.0
30. 21269x 8.4
31. 31365x 7.6
32. 21199x 8.0
33. 31735x 8.2
34. 21189x 7.8
35. 21587x 7.0
36. 3975x 7.6
37. 2724x 7.0
38. 3853x 7.5
39. 51276x 8.0
40. 4980x 7.6
41. 2880x 0.0
42. 2921x 7.0
43. 2869x 7.5
44. 2697x 7.8
45. 2652x 8.1
46. 2895x 0.0
47. 179x 8.1
48. Gaara funsai!! Wakasa da! Pawâ da! Bakuhatsu da!උඩුගත
49. Nekketsu ochikobore! Tsuini sakuretsu, kindan no ôgi!උඩුගත
50. 21346x 8.9
51. 2900x 0.0
52. 21394x 0.0
53. 2503x 0.0
54. 2674x 0.0
55. 2630x 0.0
56. 2670x 7.8
57. 3626x 0.0
58. 162x 7.5
59. 3681x 7.1
60. Byakugan vs Kage bunshin! Ore wa zettê katsu!!උඩුගත
61. 2346x 7.9
62. 151x 8.7
63. Shikkaku!? Kiken! Maedaoshi! Haran bukumi no daihonsen!උඩුගත
64. 1491x 0.0
65. Gekitotsu! Konoha mai suna ugomeku tokiඋඩුගත
66. 1346x 7.9
67. 1442x 8.2
68. 1428x 8.1
69. 2402x 8.0
70. 145x 7.8
71. 2435x 8.5
72. 1542x 8.1
73. 1490x 7.8
74. 2697x 8.0
75. 2456x 7.9
76. 2667x 0.0
77. 1365x 7.9
78. 2656x 8.7
79. 1455x 8.8
80. 1457x 8.3
81. 1759x 8.1
82. 2835x 8.3
83. 2706x 0.0
84. 1434x 8.6
85. 1400x 8.2
86. 1436x 7.2
87. 1394x 7.4
88. 2478x 7.5
89. 1337x 7.4
90. 1336x 7.9
91. 1349x 7.6
92. 2427x 7.6
93. 2393x 8.2
94. 3728x 8.7
95. 2687x 8.3
96. 1385x 8.2
97. 1387x 6.8
98. 1297x 7.4
99. 1329x 7.1
100. 1323x 8.0
101. Mitai, shiritai, tashikametai Kakashi sensei no sugaoඋඩුගත
102. Iza shinninmu Giri to jinjou to chakoku o sukue!උඩුගත
103. Naruto gekichin!? Inbou uzumaku daiunabaraඋඩුගත
104. Hashire Idate! Arashi o yobu haran no Nagishima!!උඩුගත
105. Gôru chokuzen! Raimei todoroku daigekitouඋඩුගත
106. Todokuka Idate! Shinnen no rasuto supâtoඋඩුගත
107. Omae to tatakaitai! Tsui ni gekitotsu, Sasuke vs Narutoඋඩුගත
108. Mienai kiretsuඋඩුගත
109. Oto no sasoiඋඩුගත
110. Kessei! Teppeki no fômêshonඋඩුගත
111. Sesshoku Otoyoninshuu no jitsuryokuඋඩුගත
112. Ikinari nakamaware? Shikamaru shoutai pinchiඋඩුගත
113. Pawâ zenkai! Moero choujiඋඩුගත
114. Saraba tomo yo...! Sore demo ore wa shinjiteruඋඩුගත
115. Omae no aite wa kono ore da!උඩුගත
116. Shikai 360 do Byakugan no shikakuඋඩුගත
117. Makerarenai riyuuඋඩුගත
118. Dakkan: Ma ni awanakatta utsuwaඋඩුගත
119. 2501x 7.9
120. Unare! Hoero! Kyuukyoku no tagguඋඩුගත
121. Sorezore no tatakaiඋඩුගත
122. Feiku! Otoko Shikamaru Kishi kaisei no kakeඋඩුගත
123. Konoha no aoki yajuu kenzan!උඩුගත
124. Yajuu sakuretsu! Hajikero futtobe tsukinukero!උඩුගත
125. Konoha doumeikoku Suna no shinobiඋඩුගත
126. Saikyou taiketsu! Gaara vs Kimimaro!!උඩුගත
127. Shuunen no ichigeki! Sawarabi no maiඋඩුගත
128. Todokanai sakebiඋඩුගත
129. Itachi to Sasuke Toosugiru sonzaiඋඩුගත
130. Chichi to ko Hibiwareta kamonඋඩුගත
131. Kaigen Mangekyou sharingan no himitsuඋඩුගත
132. Tomoyo!උඩුගත
133. Namida no houkou! Omae wa ore no tomodachi daඋඩුගත
134. Namidaame no ketsumatsuඋඩුගත
135. Mamorenakatta yakusokuඋඩුගත
136. Deep Cover?! A Super S-Ranked Missionඋඩුගත
137. Bugaisha no machi Fuuma ichizoku no kageඋඩුගත
138. Kiyoki uragiri Hakanaki negaiඋඩුගත
139. Kyoufu! Orochimaru no yakataඋඩුගත
140. Futatsu no kodou Kabuto no wanaඋඩුගත
141. Sakura no ketsuiඋඩුගත
142. The Three Villains from the Maximum Security Prisonඋඩුගත
143. Hashire Tonton! Omae no hana ga tayori dattebayoඋඩුගත
144. Shinsei sanningumi Futari to ippiki!උඩුගත
145. Sakuretsu! Nyû fômêshon inoshikachouඋඩුගත
146. Nokosareta yabou Orochimaru no kageඋඩුගත
147. Innen no taiketsu! Omae ni ore wa taosaneeඋඩුගත
148. The Search for the Rare Bikochu Beetle!උඩුගත
149. What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?උඩුගත
150. A Battle of the Bugs! The Deceivers and the Deceived!උඩුගත
151. Blaze Away, Byakugan! This Is My Ninja Way!උඩුගත
152. Sei aru mono e no sousoukyokuඋඩුගත
153. Kokoro ni todoke! Ai no tekkenඋඩුගත
154. Byakugan no tentekiඋඩුගත
155. Shinobi yoru an'unඋඩුගත
156. Gyakushuu no raigaඋඩුගත
157. Hashire!!! Seimei no karêඋඩුගත
158. Follow My Lead! The Great Survival Challengeඋඩුගත
159. The Bounty Hunter from the Wildernessඋඩුගත
160. Eru ka erareru ka!? Okkêdera no kettouඋඩුගත
161. Sankyaku kenzan Ao no Yajuu? Moujuu? ...Chinjuu?උඩුගත
162. Shiroki noroi no mushaඋඩුගත
163. Sakushi Koumei no omowakuඋඩුගත
164. Ososugita sukettoඋඩුගත
165. Naruto shisuඋඩුගත
166. Todomatta mama no jikanඋඩුගත
167. Shirasagi no habataku jikanඋඩුගත
168. Moero Zundou! Mazete nobashite yude agero!උඩුගත
169. Kioku Ushinawareta pêjiඋඩුගත
170. Shougeki Tozasareta doaඋඩුගත
171. Sennyuu Shikumareta torappuඋඩුගත
172. Zetsubou Hikisakareta hâtoඋඩුගත
173. Kaisen Tokihanatareta pawâඋඩුගත
174. Arienêttebayo! Serebu ninpou Kinton no jutsuඋඩුගත
175. The Treasure Hunt Is On!උඩුගත
176. Run, Dodge, Zigzag! Chase or Be Chased!උඩුගත
177. Oh!? Purîzu Misutâ Posutomanඋඩුගත
178. Deai 'Hoshi' no na o motsu shounenඋඩුගත
179. The Remembered Lullaby!උඩුගත
180. Hidden Jutsu! The Price of Ninja Art: Kujakuඋඩුගත
181. Hoshikage: The Buried Truthඋඩුගත
182. Reunion: The Remaining Timeඋඩුගත
183. The Star's Radianceඋඩුගත
184. Kiba's Long Dayඋඩුගත
185. A Legend from the Hidden Leaf: The Onbaa!උඩුගත
186. Warau Shinoඋඩුගත
187. Open for Business! The Leaf Moving Serviceඋඩුගත
188. Mystery of the Targeted Merchantsඋඩුගත
189. Limitless Supply of Ninja Toolsඋඩුගත
190. The Byakugan Sees the Blind Spot!උඩුගත
191. Shi no senkoku 'Kumori tokidoki hare'උඩුගත
192. Ino Screams! Chubby Passion!උඩුගත
193. Viva Dojo Challenge! Youth Is All About Passion!උඩුගත
194. The Mysterious Curse of the Haunted Castleඋඩුගත
195. Daisan no choujuu, saidai no raibaruඋඩුගත
196. Hot-Blooded Confrontation: Student vs. Senseiඋඩුගත
197. Crisis: The Hidden Leaf 11 Gather!උඩුගත
198. The Anbu Gives Up? Naruto's Recollectionඋඩුගත
199. The Missed Targetඋඩුගත
200. The Powerful Helperඋඩුගත
201. Tajuu torappu Hokai no kauntodaunඋඩුගත
202. Honjitsu happyou! Ase to namida no besuto 5! Otanoshimi no bangai-hen mo aru-ttebayo supesharuඋඩුගත
203. Kurenai no ketsudan Torinokosareta dai 8-hanඋඩුගත
204. Nerawareta Yakumo Fuuin sareta nouryokuඋඩුගත
205. Kurenai no gokuhi ninmu: San-daime tono yakusokuඋඩුගත
206. Genjutsu-ka genjitsu-ka Gokan wo seisuru monoඋඩුගත
207. Fujirareta hazu no nouryokuඋඩුගත
208. Meiki Kachou fuugetsu no omosaඋඩුගත
209. Teki wa 'Shinobazu'උඩුගත
210. Mayoi no moriඋඩුගත
211. Honoo no kiokuඋඩුගත
212. Sorezore no michiඋඩුගත
213. Ushinawareta kiokuඋඩුගත
214. Torimodoshita genjitsuඋඩුගත
215. Keshisaritai kakoඋඩුගත
216. Kieta takumi Nerawareta Shukakuඋඩුගත
217. Suna no doumeikoku Konoha no shinobiඋඩුගත
218. Fuujiwareta suna Suiko no hangekiඋඩුගත
219. Yomigaetta kyuukyoku heikiඋඩුගත
220. Tabidachiඋඩුගත
117x 0.0
140x 0.0
162x 0.0
121x 0.0
125x 0.0
1103x 0.0
148x 0.0
1138x 0.0
156x 0.0
154x 0.0
127x 0.0
1143x 0.0
1162x 0.0
1172x 0.0
1222x 0.0
1247x 0.0
1185x 0.0
161x 0.0
167x 0.0
1150x 0.0
1116x 0.0
142x 0.0
1205x 0.0
188x 0.0
1139x 0.0
182x 0.0
162x 0.0
1368x 0.0
1274x 0.0
1264x 0.0
1386x 0.0
1239x 0.0
167x 0.0
1229x 0.0
1316x 0.0
198x 0.0
1105x 0.0
1203x 0.0
1106x 0.0
1209x 0.0
අපට උපකාර කරන්න