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Stăpânul inelelor: Frăția inelului Romana subtitrari (2001) 1CD sub


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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring subtitrari Romana
Release name#CD IncarcatDescarcatNota subtitrareUploader
07.02.08 TLOTR 1-The Fellowship Of The Ring(Extended)2001 ... 1CD58x 0.00
The.Lord.Of.The.Rings.The.Fellowship.Of.The.Ring.2001.HDTV... 1CD38x 0.00one8BOT
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.2001.WEBR... 1CD43x 0.00one8BOT
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.AMZN.WEB-... 1CD46x 0.00one8BOT
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.2001.Exte... 1CD63x 0.00one8BOT
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.2001.EXTE... 1CD51x 0.00one8BOT
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.2001.Exte... 1CD92x 0.00one8BOT
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.Extended.... 1CD13x 0.00SubSceneImport
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.Extended.... 1CD9x 0.00SubSceneImport
The.Lord.of.the.Rings.The.Fellowship.of.the.Ring.Extended.... 1CD10x 0.00SubSceneImport
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Previzualizari:Previzualizari @ Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring movie postersUtilizatori @
Detalii filmALIAS:Sagan om Ringen (swe) (eng), The Fellowship of the Ring (eng), The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (eng), The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: The Motion Picture (eng), Властелин колец: Братство кольца (eng), Fellowship of the Ring EXT (eng), Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring (eng), Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring (eng), LOTR - TFOTR (eng), LOTR supzup (eng)
Nota film:8.9 / 10 (2047421)
[ Un inel care să le stăpânească pe toate ] - A meek Hobbit from the Shire and eight companions set out on a journey to destroy the powerful One Ring and save Middle-earth from the Dark Lord Sauron.
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