Support us
Please support, we need your help. You can support us with many ways:
- Become VIP member
- Website banners
- OpenSubtitles Player banners
- Register us to web catalogues
- Looking for programmers
- Upload subtitles
- Enjoy and spread the site
User ranking
user | uploads | advertisment | rank icon |
Anonymous | 0 | all advertisment | No |
Logged-in | 0 | no popunder | No |
Bronze member | 1 | some banners, some adverts | No |
Silver member | 51 | no banners, some adverts | Yes |
Gold member | 101 | no adverts | Yes |
Platinum member | 1001 | no adverts | Yes |
Translator | 0 | no adverts | Yes |
VIP member | 0 (15 USD/year) | no advertisment | Yes |
Administrator | 0 | no adverts | Yes |
OS Legend | 0 | no adverts | Yes |
VIP member
Become VIP member and enjoy site without advertisment. Read more about VIP membership on our blog. VIP member costs only 15 USD for 1 YEAR. As VIP member you get:
- Access to discountinued API
- Your VIP membership will be valid also for
- NO advertisment at all - no popunders, no banners, no hidden ads, no subtitles ads - just pure content
- Direct download subtitles - no installers, no extensions, no redirections, no offers before downloading subtitles
- Higher download limits - 1000 subtitles/24 hours - useful when using programs such as media centers (but no abusing!)
- nice logo next to YOUR nickname -subtitle details, profile, ...
- good feeling about donating great project :)
Currently is running on 10 servers,ring weekend on site is more than 40000 active users (most requests are from API, 1000+ searches per second...), 5.000.000 subtitle downloads per day and site becomes slow. We need these donations to pay the bills for hosting company, buy another servers and continuing developing.
Get instant VIP: Easy and secure checkout by FastSpring (15 USD) + TAX - pay by credit card etc...
Get instant VIP: BITCOIN, BTC LN, Monero (10 EUR only) - we accept more crypto-currencies, just contact us for more info with your prefered crypto.
Donate any amount anonymously (NO VIP): BITCOIN and other crypto-currencies
If you don't know how to use/buy BITCOINS, follow this guide: How to buy BITCOINS. If you don't know how to use BITCOINS, don't want to logt to know other way of donating (but first try what is available here), just contact us. Note: we are confirming some donations manually, so it might take up to 24 hours. You will be informed by mail, once VIP is activated (be sure you check your junk/spam mail). If you made donation and you didn't get your VIP after 24 hours (usually it takes up to 10 minutes), contact us with your OpenSubtitles registered username and email and payment info. Thank you.
468x60 dynamic banner:

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Text Link:
Subtitles - OpenSubtitles.orgHTML code:
OpenSubtitles Player Banners
728x90 banner:

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Registration to web catalogues
If you register our site to your local web catalogue it will help us. More users will know about this site, so that means more subtitles will be uploaded. Also search engines will like our site more. So if you will find time to register - thanks!
Programmers wanted!
If you have some code experience (Javascript, PHP,...) and you want code some application or help us with existing one, just contact us for details. Take a look at opensubtitles trac.
Upload subtitles
If you upload subtitles, value of this subtitle site will raise, more users will be satisfied. Every subtitle you will upload will beand will be countedstics. Also don't forget to upload them with some program, or JAVA uploader, so they can be find next time automatically.