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"Band of Brothers" The Breaking Point S01E07 Portuguese (BR) Legendas (2001) 1CD sub

Temporada: 1 - Episódio: 7

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Band of Brothers Legendas Portuguese (BR) S01E07
Nome da versão (release)#CD EnviadaBaixadasPontuação da legendaAutor
Band of Brothers (2001) S01E07 The Breaking Point (1080p B... 1CD46x 0.00aveangelus
Irmã'água.WEBRip.Netflix1CD140x 0.00DomCasmurroBR
Band Of Brothers 007 - PARTES SEM DUBLAGEM1CD387x 0.00lemaofarinha
Band.Of.Brothers.E07.1080p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedLengendas de fonte confiável1CD6370x 10.00
mhq-band.of.brothers.e07.the.breaking.point.720p.x2641CD1936x 0.00
Band Of Brothers 2001 720p HDDVD x264-hV - Completo1CD6005x 0.00dharmabum
Band of Brothers - Parte 07 - The Breaking Point1CD1624x 0.00
band.of.brothers.1x071CD2991x 10.01unschtbr
Band of Brothers 1x07 - The Breaking PointLengendas de fonte confiável1CD11230x 6.50everthonvs
Band.of.Brothers.Part7.DVDRip1CD4222x 10.00finger01 (a)
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Detalhes do filmeTambém conhecido por:Band Of Brothers - The Breaking Point - PARTES SEM DUBLAGEM (pob), The Breaking Point (eng)
Pontuação do filme:9.4 / 10 (10581)
[ ] - Easy Company remains in the Ardennes Forest preparing for an inevitable attack on German forces in the town of Foy. However, morale is low due to cold weather, constant shelling, poor leadership, and numerous casualties.
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