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Black Spot (2017) Italiano sottotitoli

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Dettagli del film

imdbA police chief and an eccentric new prosecutor investigate a string of grisly crimes and eerie phenomena in an isolated town at the edge of a forest.

Reputazione film: 7.4 / 10 (14406)

Stagione: #1 - #2

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Cast: - - - -

AKA: Black Spot, Zone blanche

Nome del film # ScaricatoReputazione film Latest
1. 2119x 7.0
2. 298x 7.1
3. 293x 7.3
4. 282x 7.2
5. 284x 7.2
6. 288x 7.2
7. 280x 7.4
8. 282x 7.8
1. 266x 7.2
2. 264x 0.0
3. 263x 7.3
4. 266x 0.0
5. 263x 0.0
6. 143x 7.3
7. 270x 7.1
8. 141x 6.9