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"Doctor Who" Extremis sottotitoli

Stagione: 10 - Episodio: 6

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Dettagli del film

imdbThe Doctor is called by the Vatican to solve the mystery of a text called the Veritas, that when someone reads it dies soon after. But something is dwelling in the Vatican, and doesn't want the Veritas to be read.

Reputazione film: 8.3 / 10 (5329)

Diretto da: - -

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Cast: - - - -

AKA: Doctor Who, Dr. Who, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Torchwood, Doctor_Who_Series_10_-_5._Oxygen_b08r7jcz_original.mp4, Доктор Хто, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2011, Extremis

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