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"Black Sails" VIII. azpitituluak

Denboraldia: 1 - Atala: 8

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Ikusi "Black Sails" VIII. online

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Filmaren xehetasunak

imdbSilver gives Flint the last details of the schedule with the location of the ship. Eleanor's situation changes when the supply ships get sunk in the bay. Meanwhile with Mutiny rising up aboard the Walrus, Gates makes a vital decis...

Filmaren maila: 8.7 / 10 (2258)

Zuzendaria: - - -

Idazlea: -

Antzezleak: - - - -

AKA: Black Sails, HAIZE-OHIAL BELTZAK, Чорнi вiтрила

Igo azpitituluak
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