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Bilaketa aurreratua
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Re-Kill azpitituluak

Ikusi Re-Kill online

Erosi Amazonen

Filmaren xehetasunak

imdbIt's been 5 years since the Re-Animates outbreak that wiped out 85% of the world's population. Within a few cities, the Re-Animates have been segregated into "zones" and are policed by the R-Division of the QUASI S.W.A.T. Unit.

Filmaren maila: 4.9 / 10 (2786)



Antzezleak: - - - -

AKA: Dead Ahead, The Last Day

Igo azpitituluak
Filmaren izenaIgotaJaitsitaAzpitituluen puntuazioaFilmaren mailaIgotzailea
