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"X-Men: The Animated Series" Sanctuary Part I azpitituluak

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Ikusi "X-Men: The Animated Series" Sanctuary Part I online

Erosi Amazonen

Filmaren xehetasunak

imdbWeary of battling for mutant supremacy, Magneto offers to transport all mutants to an orbiting asteroid named Asteroid M where they can live peaceful and human-free lives.

Filmaren maila: 7.8 / 10 (691)

Zuzendaria: - - - -

Idazlea: - - - -

Antzezleak: - - - -

AKA: Secrets, Not Long Buried, X-Men: The Animated Series, A Rogue's Tale, Graduation Day, Out of the Past: Part 1, Reunion: Part 2, Time Fugitives: Part 1, Days of Future Past: Part 1

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