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"Are You Afraid of the Dark?" The Tale of the Looking Glass azpitituluak

Denboraldia: 3 - Atala: 3

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Ikusi "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" The Tale of the Looking Glass online

Erosi Amazonen

Filmaren xehetasunak

imdbAfter unleashing an evil ghost from the mirror, the kids face a night of terrors in the haunted hotel, where they must uncover the truth.

Filmaren maila: 7.0 / 10 (0)

Zuzendaria: - -

Antzezleak: - -

AKA: Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Igo azpitituluak
Filmaren izenaIgotaJaitsitaAzpitituluen puntuazioaFilmaren mailaIgotzailea
