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"Haibane Renmei" Cocoon/Dream of Falling from the Sky/Old Home azpitituluak

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Ikusi "Haibane Renmei" Cocoon/Dream of Falling from the Sky/Old Home online

Erosi Amazonen

Filmaren xehetasunak

imdbA young girl dreams of falling endlessly, only to awaken inside a giant cocoon. Upon her hatching, mysterious beings known as Haibane seek to ease her transition into this strange new world.

Filmaren maila: 8.1 / 10 (104)



Antzezleak: - - - -

AKA: Cocoon/Dream of Falling from the Sky/Old Home, Haibane Renmei, Ash Feather Federation, Charcoal Feathers Federation, Grey Wings, La federación de las plumas de carbón

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