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Gainerako hizkuntzak bakarrik

Banzai Frantsesa azpitituluak (1983) 1CD srt


Erosi Amazonen

Azpitituluen xehetasunak

Jaitsi (beta)

Mila esker1 mila esker jasota

Baloratu azpitituluen kalitatea

Baloratu azpitituluen kalitatea 1 punturekin (txarra)Baloratu azpitituluen kalitatea 3 punturekin (eskasa)Baloratu azpitituluen kalitatea 5 punturekin (egokia)Baloratu azpitituluen kalitatea 7 punturekin (ona)Baloratu azpitituluen kalitatea 10 punturekin (bikaina)



Hasi saioa iruzkinak argitaratzeko.

macgoohan @
Sous-titres incomplets.
SmallBrother @
Only the English spoken parts are subtitled ("Traduction des passages en anglais"). This is not "incomplete", but the subtitles should be marked as such. I have now added that marking.
macgoohan @
I thought they were incomplete. Now I understand. In French we speak of forced subtitles (sous-titres forcés). I don't know the expression used in English. Sorry for the inconvenience. And thank you again for your reply.
SmallBrother @
No problem. Yes, "forced", that's it in English as well. But this is a bit 'professional terminology' and not everybody knows about it, so often referred to as "foreign parts only" or something like that.
If you see something like this again, you can submit a correction form and just mark the checkbox "Langue étrangère seule".
Esteka interesgarriak
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Filmari buruz:Filmari buruz @
Posterrak:Banzai movie postersPosterrak @
Beste batzuk:Zure esteka hemen
Filmaren xehetasunakAKA:Banzaï (eng)
Filmaren Maila:5.9 / 10 (1821)
[ ] - Michel Bernardin works at Planet Assistance, who helps Frenchmen who are in trouble in foreign countries.
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