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Bilaketa aurreratua - generate subtitles for your movie, translate in any language using the latest AI technology like OpenAI (ChatGPT)
Get Chrome/FireFox browser Open Subtitles extension - add subtitles to any HTML5 video sites such as Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, HBO Max and other stream sites.
Bihurtu VIP kidea - Sostengatu gaitzazu eta gozatu guneaz iragarki gabe
Zergatik erabili
Azpititulu berriak
Filmaren izenaErabiltzaileaJaitsitaFilmaren maila
"The Lord of the Ring... (2024) 0pener
19x 0.0
Find Me Falling (2024) 1GR560
110x 6.5
"The Lord of the Ring... (2024) 0pener
49x 0.0
Boxer (2024) marinhojc
38x 0.0
Saving Bikini Bottom:... (2024) 0pener
160x 4.0
Azpititulu nabarmenak (baq)
Filmaren izenaErabiltzaileaJaitsitaFilmaren maila
"The Lord of the Rin... (2024) 0pener
19x 0.0
The Lord of the Ring... (2001) aitarene...
130x 8.9
"Game of Thrones" Wi... (2011) aitarene...
9971x 8.9
"The Lord of the Rin... (2024) 0pener
49x 0.0
My Fault (2023) pipporan
1192x 6.2
Hileko igotzaileenak (baq)
Astean gehien jaitsitako azpitituluak (baq)
Filmaren izenaErabiltzaileaJaitsitaFilmaren maila
"The Lord of the Ring... (2024) 0pener
19x 0.0
Foroko azken gaiak
Open Subtitles browser extension19/09/2024
No longer possible to make new upload ... 19/09/2024
Please grab subtitles from here18/09/2024
YOU want to be an Administrator at ope... 07/09/2024
Subscene import - hulp van users nodig07/09/2024
Blogeko azken idazlanak
Movies That Spark Creativity and Motivati... 23/09/2024
Student Favorites: Trending Series to Wat... 17/09/2024
Understanding OpenSubtitles websites and ... 26/08/2024
Web Video Caster is the World’s Best Mobi... 11/07/2024
How Subtitles Transform Your Movie-Watchi... 03/07/2024
Eskatutako azptitituluak (baq)
Filmaren izena#Filmaren mailaAzkena
My Friend Joe (1996)