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"Touched by an Angel" Shallow Water: Part 2 S07E25 Portuguese (BR) subtitles (2001) 1CD srt

Season: 7 - Episode: 25

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Uploader commentO Toque de um Anjo S07E25 - "Shallow Water (parte2)"
Legenda: OsAnjosSubs
Touched by an Angel.s7e25.Shallow Water Part 2-NewWorld (AVI)
- No episódio “Shallow Water” de “O Toque de um Anjo”, vários membros da banda fictícia “Winslow Family” são, na verdade, integrantes reais do grupo “Gaither Vocal Band”, uma banda gospel norte-americana fundada por Bill Gaither em 1981. Eles ficaram conhecidos por suas harmonias vocais marcantes e por arranjos elaborados que abrangem uma variedade de estilos dentro do gênero gospel, incluindo música contemporânea, tradicional e Southern Gospel.
Release nameTouched by an Angel.s7e25.Shallow Water Part 2-NewWorld (AVI)29.970 FPS
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Touched by an Angel subtitles Portuguese (BR) S07E25
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Touched_by_an_Angel_DVDrip_S07E25_Shallow_Water_Part2 (MP4)Subtitles from trusted source1CD33x 0.01OsAnjosSubs
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Movie detailsAKA:O Toque de um Anjo (pob)
Movie Rating:7.2 / 10 (140)
[ ] - Monica has found J.D. Winslow, but he's not the Jed that Diana desperately wants to come to her planned family reunion. Will Diana's faith give her the strength to face the truth?
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