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"Touched by an Angel" I Am an Angel S07E17 Portuguese (BR) subtitles (2001) 1CD srt

Season: 7 - Episode: 17

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Subtitle filenameTouched by an Angel.s7e17.I Am an (58115bytes) show preview

Uploader commentO Toque de um Anjo S07E17 - "I Am An Angel"
Legenda: OsAnjosSubs
Touched by an Angel.s7e17.I Am an Angel-NewWorld (AVI)
******** Atenção: ********
- O release AVI tem falhas de captura de imagem aos 2'40 minutos (sinal de TV fora do ar).
Recomendamos a versão MP4, que não possui a falha e tem melhor qualidade de imagem.
Apesar dos trechos de vídeo faltantes por problemas de captura de vídeo no release AVI, a legenda foi inserida completa (mesmo na parte que está sem vídeo) com base na tradução do release MP4, que não possui a falha na captura da imagem.
Release nameTouched by an Angel.s7e17.I Am an Angel-NewWorld (AVI)29.970 FPS
UploaderOsAnjosSubs (OsAnjosSubs) @ . downloaded31x () . Remove from favouritesAdd to favourites . Correct subtitlesCorrect subtitles


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Touched by an Angel subtitles Portuguese (BR) S07E17
Release name#CD UploadedDownloadedSubtitle ratingUploader
Touched_by_an_Angel_DVDrip_S07E17_I_Am_an_Angel (MP4)Subtitles from trusted source1CD33x 0.01OsAnjosSubs
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Movie detailsAKA:O Toque de um Anjo (pob)
Movie Rating:6.1 / 10 (1051)
[ ] - A conceited actor who plays an angel on television resists a very young, obsessed fan who is coping with his mother's death.
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