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The Promise of Chang'an English subtitles (2020) 1CD srt

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The Promise of Chang'an subtitles English
Release name#CD UploadedDownloadedSubtitle ratingUploader
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 81CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 71CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 61CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 41CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 51CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 31CD3x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 21CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 101CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 91CD2x 0.00SubSceneImport
[eng] The Promise of Chang'An ep 111CD3x 0.00SubSceneImport
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Movie detailsAKA:Chang'an nuo (eng), The Promise of Chang'an (eng)
Movie Rating:6.3 / 10 (108)
[ ] - A story that follows a young woman, once naive and carefree, who matures into a wise ruler. Hers is a legendary journey about overcoming trials and tribulations to become the Empress Dowager of the Great Sheng Nation.
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