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Perry Mason (1957) English subtitles

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imdbPerry Mason is an American dramatized court show produced by Paisano Productions that ran from September 1957 to May 1966 on CBS. The title character, portrayed by Raymond Burr, is a fictional Los Angeles defense attorney who originally appeared in detective fiction by Erle Stanley Gardner. Many episodes are based on stories written by Gardner, others are based on characters created by him. At one time, the show was "television's most successful and longest-running lawyer series." Another series, The New Perry Mason starring Monte Markham ran from 1973 to 1974, and thirty made-for-TV movies aired from 1985 to 1995, with Burr returning as Mason in twenty-six of them.

Movie rating: 8.3 / 10 (12501)

Season: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #7 - #8 - #9 - #unclassified episodes

Directed by:

Writer credits:

Cast: - - - -

AKA: Perry Mason

Movie name # DownloadedMovie rating Latest
1. 519582x 0.0
2. 59924x 8.2
3. 57335x 8.2
4. 58101x 8.0
5. 47239x 7.8
6. 45944x 7.9
7. 45612x 8.1
8. 35652x 8.4
9. 320879x 8.0
10. 34252x 8.1
11. 34230x 7.9
12. 34678x 8.1
13. 34149x 8.7
14. 34046x 8.3
15. 35054x 7.8
16. 33923x 7.9
17. 33935x 0.0
18. 33747x 8.2
19. 33710x 8.6
20. 33947x 8.5
21. 33732x 8.1
22. 44339x 8.4
23. 33789x 8.5
24. 33503x 8.0
25. 33435x 8.3
26. 33642x 8.1
27. 33465x 7.8
28. 33778x 8.3
29. 33341x 8.1
30. 33337x 8.5
31. 33245x 8.1
32. 33372x 0.0
33. 33299x 7.6
34. 33263x 8.3
35. 33212x 7.8
36. 33252x 8.2
37. 33244x 7.9
38. 33668x 8.4
39. 33423x 7.9
1. 25012x 8.2
2. 24344x 8.6
3. 23738x 8.3
4. 24057x 8.1
5. 23886x 8.0
6. 23367x 7.9
7. 23413x 7.8
8. 23436x 7.9
9. 23306x 8.2
10. 23389x 7.4
11. 23223x 8.3
12. 22844x 7.8
13. 23164x 8.0
14. 23074x 8.0
15. 23038x 8.1
16. 23076x 0.0
17. 23095x 8.0
18. 23168x 7.9
19. 22943x 8.4
20. 23075x 8.1
21. 23195x 7.7
22. 24570x 8.1
23. 23076x 7.9
24. 23137x 8.5
25. 22990x 8.1
26. 22679x 8.0
27. 23039x 8.0
28. 23057x 7.7
29. 23004x 8.3
30. 22956x 8.2
1. 23477x 8.1
2. 22773x 8.2
3. 22542x 8.1
4. 22460x 8.1
5. 22406x 8.3
6. 22670x 9.0
7. 22564x 8.1
8. 22407x 8.0
9. 22401x 8.4
10. 22362x 7.9
11. 22398x 8.6
12. 22335x 8.4
13. 22443x 8.7
14. 22471x 8.5
15. 22254x 8.4
16. 32721x 8.1
17. 22496x 8.4
18. 22433x 8.1
19. 22332x 8.0
20. 22298x 8.1
21. 22260x 0.0
22. 22306x 8.4
23. 22317x 8.1
24. 22316x 8.5
25. 22325x 8.5
26. 22340x 8.3
1. 23197x 7.8
2. 22627x 8.6
3. 22474x 8.7
4. 22471x 7.9
5. 22418x 8.1
6. 22361x 8.2
7. 22268x 7.7
8. 223805x 8.2
9. 22261x 8.7
10. 22168x 8.1
11. 22148x 8.1
12. 22253x 8.0
13. 22208x 8.2
14. 22104x 7.9
15. 22068x 8.3
16. 22079x 8.3
17. 22105x 8.1
18. 22086x 8.3
19. 21996x 8.1
20. 22085x 8.1
21. 22013x 8.2
22. 22012x 0.0
23. 21985x 8.5
24. 21999x 8.6
25. 21992x 8.3
26. 22036x 8.2
27. 22032x 8.4
28. 22053x 8.5
1. 22532x 8.4
2. 22185x 7.9
3. 22147x 8.3
4. 22041x 8.2
5. 22033x 8.2
6. 22114x 7.7
7. 22036x 7.9
8. 21990x 8.1
9. 21929x 8.5
10. 21954x 7.7
11. 21994x 8.2
12. 21988x 7.8
13. 22074x 8.3
14. 22014x 8.5
15. 21879x 8.1
16. 22097x 0.0
17. 21890x 8.0
18. 21819x 7.9
19. 21806x 8.6
20. 21815x 8.1
21. 21875x 8.4
22. 21745x 7.8
23. 21722x 8.4
24. 22791x 8.1
25. 21794x 7.8
26. 21832x 8.2
27. 21705x 8.3
28. 21759x 8.2
29. 21744x 8.3
30. 21775x 8.1
1. 22919x 0.0
2. 22188x 8.1
3. 21986x 7.6
4. 22120x 8.1
5. 21957x 8.4
6. 22052x 8.0
7. 21876x 8.2
8. 22041x 8.3
9. 21861x 9.0
10. 21793x 8.3
11. 21728x 8.2
12. 21654x 7.9
13. 21796x 8.1
14. 21729x 8.5
15. 21780x 8.4
16. 21682x 8.8
17. 21746x 7.7
18. 21724x 7.6
19. 21749x 8.0
20. 21820x 8.3
21. 21759x 7.5
22. 21836x 7.7
23. 21768x 8.2
24. 21770x 8.5
25. 21718x 7.5
26. 21762x 8.3
27. 21765x 8.4
28. 21798x 8.4
1. 21329x 8.9
2. 21098x 7.9
3. 21042x 7.9
4. 21037x 9.0
5. 21035x 8.1
6. 21043x 8.6
7. 21008x 8.3
8. 2981x 7.4
9. 21004x 8.3
10. 2948x 7.5
11. 2970x 8.0
12. 2943x 7.9
13. 2950x 8.2
14. 2982x 8.5
15. 2922x 8.3
16. 2948x 8.2
17. 2877x 8.1
18. 2917x 8.7
19. 2884x 7.4
20. 2946x 8.2
21. 2914x 7.8
22. 2903x 8.2
23. 2894x 8.0
24. 2906x 8.0
25. 2908x 7.9
26. 2912x 8.6
27. 2891x 7.3
28. 2942x 8.0
29. 2868x 7.8
30. 2880x 8.0
1. 21075x 7.8
2. 2942x 7.8
3. 2907x 7.2
4. 2899x 8.3
5. 2874x 7.5
6. 2863x 8.2
7. 2852x 7.8
8. 2903x 7.8
9. 2858x 8.1
10. 2843x 0.0
11. 2856x 8.0
12. 2831x 8.2
13. 2907x 0.0
14. 2795x 8.6
15. 2815x 7.6
16. 2830x 7.6
17. 2849x 0.0
18. 2823x 8.4
19. 2812x 7.6
20. 2811x 8.3
21. 2806x 8.1
22. 2776x 6.9
23. 2764x 8.1
24. 2804x 8.4
25. 2792x 8.3
26. 2778x 8.3
27. 2756x 8.6
28. 2787x 8.3
29. 2753x 7.6
30. 2791x 8.5
1. 21317x 8.2
2. 2957x 8.2
3. 2901x 8.0
4. 2852x 7.8
5. 2835x 8.3
6. 2859x 8.6
7. 2868x 8.0
8. 2818x 8.2
9. 2850x 8.2
10. 2807x 7.6
11. 2818x 8.1
12. 2804x 7.5
13. 2788x 8.1
14. 2798x 7.9
15. 2809x 7.8
16. 2784x 7.8
17. 2806x 8.4
18. 2794x 8.1
19. 2807x 8.5
20. 2814x 7.9
21. 2843x 7.7
22. 2784x 7.7
23. 2781x 7.9
24. 2752x 8.3
25. 2771x 8.1
26. 2784x 8.2
27. 2762x 8.2
28. 2749x 8.4
29. 2762x 8.1
30. 2879x 8.9
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