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Madventures (2002) subtitles

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imdbMadventures is a Finnish travel documentary television series that concentrates on backpacking in the most off-the-beaten-path destinations on the planet. It is presented by Riku Rantala and Tuomas "Tunna" Milonoff. As the show's director and cameramen, they travel around the world exploring different cultures. They emphasize that they are on a journey, not on a holiday. The show often features local practices that are culturally unacceptable or controversial where the episodes air, to the point where the showmakers have been accused of deliberate, excessive use of shock imagery. The programme's international premiere was in the United States on the Travel Channel on 21 September 2009. The United Kingdom premiere on Fiver is not yet decided. Originally the show premiered in Finland on the channel Sub, on 13 October 2002. Internationally, Madventures is distributed by the Target Entertainment Group. The show includes a "MadCook" section, in which the travellers attempt to eat some of the least favoured dishes around the world — for example, monkey brains in the Amazon Rainforest and dog meat in Bali. Another light hearted feature are the waking up scenes, where Tuomas will often shock Riku while he is still asleep in bed, with hilarious results.

Movie rating: 9.1 / 10 (2717)

Season: #1 - #2 - #3

Directed by: -

Writer credits: -

Cast: - - -

AKA: Madventures

Movie name # DownloadedMovie rating Latest
1. Nepal: KathmanduUpload
2. 19x 8.7
3. Intia: Varanasi, Delhi, RajasthanUpload
4. Intia: Pushkar, RishikeshiUpload
5. 1617x 0.0
6. Kambodza: Pnohm Penh, Siam Reap, SihanoukvilleUpload
7. Thaimaa: Koh Phangan, Koh TaoUpload
8. Thaimaa: Koh Tao, Bangkok, KrabiUpload
9. Indonesia: Medan, Lake Toba, Bali/Malesia - Penang/SingaporeUpload
10. Indonesia: Bali, SumbaUpload
11. Indonesia: Sumba, BaliUpload
12. Australia: Sydney/Uusi-Seelanti - Auckland/TongaUpload
13. TongaUpload
14. Tonga: PeruUpload
15. Amazonia PeruUpload
16. Peru & EcuadorUpload
17. U.S.A: KaliforniaUpload
18. U.S.A: Las VegasUpload
19. U.S.A: Las Vegas - MemphisUpload
20. U.S.A: HelsinkiUpload
21. Mad Cook Special 1Upload
22. Mad Cook Special 2Upload
23. Madventures - Pahimmat iskut 1Upload
24. Madventures - Pahimmat iskut 2Upload
1. JamaikaUpload
2. TokioUpload
3. JapaniUpload
4. KiinaUpload
5. TiibetUpload
6. Länsi-PapuaUpload
7. KuubaUpload
8. Afrikka 1Upload
9. Afrikka 2Upload
10. Indokiina 1Upload
11. Indokiina 2Upload
12. Madventures EXTRA: Mad Cook SpecialUpload
13. Madventures EXTRA: Best of Madventures IIUpload
14. Madventures EXTRA: Madventures RadallaUpload
15. Madventures EXTRA: Madventures KoukussaUpload
1. 1700x 8.0
2. Ex-CCCPUpload
3. 15x 8.6
4. Felix ArabiaUpload
5. NipponUpload
6. HindustanUpload
7. Keskustan valtakuntaUpload
8. Papua NiuginiUpload
9. 14x 0.0
10. 15x 9.1
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