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Little Witch Academia (2017) subtitles

Watch Little Witch Academia online

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Movie details

imdbAkko enrolls at the Luna Nova Witchcraft Academy. She's not the best student, but her bright attitude is the key to her and her friends' success.

Movie rating: 7.8 / 10 (4361)

Season: #1 - #unclassified episodes

Cast: - - - -

AKA: Little Witch Academia, Академiя Юних Вiдьом

Movie name # DownloadedMovie rating Latest
1. 31203x 7.8
2. 3654x 7.9
3. 3501x 8.1
4. 3488x 7.7
5. 3529x 6.9
6. 31683x 8.1
7. 31525x 8.3
8. 51580x 8.4
9. 31521x 7.2
10. 31473x 8.0
11. 31525x 8.5
12. 31483x 8.3
13. 31525x 8.6
14. 31379x 8.1
15. 31156x 8.5
16. 31385x 6.5
17. 31406x 8.0
18. 41427x 8.1
19. 31390x 7.6
20. 31480x 8.5
21. 31384x 8.5
22. 31356x 9.0
23. 31416x 8.9
24. 31446x 8.6
25. 31503x 8.9
160x 7.8
1138x 7.8
122x 7.8
124x 7.8
120x 7.8
122x 7.8
123x 7.8
122x 7.8
121x 7.8
123x 7.8
120x 7.8
123x 7.8
119x 7.8
121x 7.8
118x 7.8
120x 7.8
121x 7.8
119x 7.8
118x 7.8
120x 7.8
118x 7.8
122x 7.8
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