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Phineas and Ferb (2007) subtitles

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imdbPhineas and Ferb is an American animated comedy-musical television series. Originally broadcast as a preview on August 17, 2007, and officially premiered on February 1, 2008 on Disney Channel, the series follows Phineas Flynn and his English stepbrother Ferb Fletcher on summer vacation. Every day, the boys embark on some grand new project, which annoys their controlling sister, Candace, who frequently tries to reveal their shenanigans to the boys' mother, Linda Flynn-Fletcher, and less frequently to their father, Lawrence Fletcher. The series follows a standard plot system; running gags occur every episode, and the B-Plot almost always features Perry the Platypus working as a spy for the OWCA, to fight an evil scientist named Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. However, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, or Doof as he refers to himself, feels the need to assert his evilness. Sometimes, other villains scoff at his level of evil. The two plots intersect at the end to erase all traces of the boys' project just before Candace can show it to their mother. This usually leaves Candace very frustrated. Creators Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh worked together on the Nickelodeon series Rocko's Modern Life. The creators also voice two of the main B-plot characters: Major Monogram and Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Phineas and Ferb was conceived after Povenmire sketched a triangular boy—the blueprint for the eponymous Phineas—in a restaurant. Povenmire and Marsh developed the series concept together and pitched to networks for 16 years before securing a run on Disney Channel.

Movie rating: 8.1 / 10 (60511)

Season: #1 - #2 - #3 - #4 - #5 - #6 - #unclassified episodes

Directed by: -

Writer credits: -

Cast: - - - -

AKA: Phineas and Ferb, Фiнеас i Ферб, Fines və Ferb, Finias ja Ferb, Fineasz i Ferb

Movie name # DownloadedMovie rating Latest
1. 1274262x 8.1
2. 927645x 8.1
3. 92299x 7.9
4. 71686x 8.0
5. 61449x 7.9
6. 71053x 7.8
7. 6909x 8.7
8. 5874x 8.2
9. 5808x 8.1
10. 4569x 7.9
11. 61272x 8.2
12. 5607x 8.2
13. 61030x 7.9
14. 5638x 9.2
15. 5501x 7.9
16. 5504x 8.7
17. 5560x 8.0
18. 4365x 8.0
19. 4422x 7.6
20. 5501x 8.5
21. 5516x 8.1
22. 5510x 7.8
23. 5462x 8.2
24. 5409x 8.5
25. 5389x 8.2
26. 6491x 8.2
1. 71526x 8.3
2. 4876x 8.2
3. 4539x 7.9
4. 4534x 8.0
5. 4436x 8.3
6. 4323x 7.7
7. 4367x 8.8
8. 4370x 8.2
9. 4299x 7.8
10. 4293x 8.6
11. 4263x 8.1
12. 5386x 8.7
13. 4310x 8.1
14. 4285x 9.0
15. 4282x 8.1
16. 4250x 8.0
17. 4232x 7.9
18. 4298x 8.3
19. 5300x 8.1
20. 5442x 7.9
21. 4471x 8.7
22. 4234x 7.8
23. 4222x 7.9
24. 4222x 7.8
25. 4573x 8.2
26. 4469x 7.8
27. 4214x 7.8
28. 4209x 8.4
29. 4200x 8.1
30. 4197x 8.3
31. 4196x 9.1
33. 4239x 8.5
34. 51340x 8.5
35. 4220x 8.0
36. 4172x 8.4
37. 4335x 8.6
38. 4199x 8.1
39. Make Play/Candace Gets BustedUpload
1. 4532x 8.1
2. 4297x 7.8
3. 3256x 7.8
4. 3229x 7.9
5. 3199x 8.1
6. 3174x 7.9
7. 3202x 7.9
8. 3204x 7.9
9. 3192x 8.1
10. 3203x 8.3
11. 3166x 8.7
12. 3182x 8.3
13. 3155x 8.1
14. 3189x 7.7
15. 3167x 8.5
16. 3170x 8.8
17. 3140x 8.2
18. 3157x 8.2
19. 3132x 7.8
20. 3183x 8.1
21. 3158x 9.0
22. 3154x 8.1
23. 3209x 8.1
24. 3145x 8.0
25. 3164x 8.2
26. 45289x 8.1
27. 3155x 7.8
28. 3143x 8.1
29. 3144x 8.3
30. 3133x 8.5
31. 3148x 8.5
32. 2113x 7.9
33. 2110x 8.3
34. 3144x 8.2
35. 3185x 8.0
1. 49182x 8.2
2. 45025x 8.0
3. 44892x 8.1
4. 43992x 8.1
5. 44090x 7.8
6. 44424x 8.0
7. 43886x 8.0
8. 44552x 6.8
9. 45069x 8.0
10. 345x 7.9
11. 33243x 8.1
12. 23497x 8.1
13. 79092x 8.0
14. 34268x 8.1
15. 44154x 8.2
16. 44598x 8.6
17. 345x 8.2
18. 354x 8.0
19. 172x 8.3
20. 340x 8.2
21. 4769x 8.2
22. 490x 8.1
23. 27x 8.0
24. 72347x 8.1
25. 335x 8.2
26. 352x 9.0
27. 279x 8.3
28. 14x 8.2
29. 5121x 9.4
30. 37064x 9.4
31. 3354x 7.8
1. 13x 0.0
2. Appetite for Adventure/License to BustUpload
3. Dry Another Day/Deconstructing DoofUpload
4. Tropey McTropeface/Biblio-BlastUpload
5. A Chip to the Vet/More Than an InternUpload
6. The Aurora Perry-Alis/Lord of the FiresidesUpload
7. Agent T (for Teen)/The HaberdasherUpload
8. The Candace Suit/Out of CharacterUpload
9. Meap Me in St. LouisUpload
1. Episode #6.1Upload
13x 8.1
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