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Crownies is an Australian television dramedy series that first screened on ABC1 in 2011. The series revolves around a group of solicitors fresh from law school, working with Crown Prosecutors or 'Crownies' who are the public prosecutors in the legal system of Australia, working for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution. The series is filmed in Sydney, New South Wales, and according to many areas of the city mentioned in the show, the story is set in Sydney. Many scenes were filmed in Parramatta, around the Parramatta Justice Precinct for financial reasons. The first series ran for 22 weeks, with a one hour instalment every Thursday night. It is written by Greg Haddrick, Jane Allen, Kylie Needham, Tamara Asmar, Blake Ayshford, Chris Hawkshaw, Justine Gillmer, Pete McTighe, Stuart Page & Sam Miekle. It is directed by Tony Tilse, Chris Noonan, Cherie Nowlan, Grant Brown, Lynn Hegarty, Garth Maxwell and Jet Wilkinson. Instead of a second series a spin-off, Janet King is being produced that will focus more on the legal aspects.
Movie rating: 7.6 / 10 (1128)
Season: #1
Cast: Todd Lasance - Hamish Michael - Ella Scott Lynch - Andrea Demetriades - Marta Dusseldorp
AKA: Crownies