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Cracked is a Canadian television drama series created by writer Tracey Forbes and Toronto Emergency Task Force officer Calum de Hartog and executive produced by Peter Raymont and Janice Dawe of White Pine Pictures. It premiered on 8 January 2013 on CBC Television. The series was announced in May as part of CBC's autumn and winter schedule which featured only 3 new shows and Murdoch Mysteries moving from Citytv to CBC. Principal photography began on the show in Toronto, in July 2012. The show was selected as a MIPCOM Hot Pick in October 2012. On October 4, 2012 White Pine Pictures announced that they secured the program sale of the series to Astral’s Québec fiction channel Séries+ pre-MIPCOM. On January 15, 2013 they announced the sale of the series by German distributor BetaFilm to Canal+ in France. Cracked went to air on the newly branded free TV channel, D8, Fridays at 8.45pm, commencing April 19, 2013. The theme music is performed by Wintersleep and is titled 'Weighty Ghost'. On April 2, 2013, CBC renewed Cracked for a second season, to air in 2014. On May 22, 2013 Brooke Nevin was unveiled as the new psychiatrist, Dr. Clara Malone, who would join the cast for Season Two.
Movie rating: 6.9 / 10 (2030)
Season: #1 - #2
Directed by: Calum de Hartog - Tracey Forbes
Writer credits: Calum de Hartog - Tracey Forbes
Cast: David Sutcliffe - Stefanie von Pfetten - Luisa D'Oliveira - Dayo Ade - Mayko Nguyen
AKA: Aidan Black, Cracked