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Groovie Goolies is an American animated television show that had its original run on network television between 1970 and 1972. Produced by Filmation, Groovie Goolies was a spinoff of Sabrina the Teenage Witch Show. Like most Saturday morning cartoons of the era, Groovie Goolies contained an adult laugh track.
Movie rating: 7.2 / 10 (404)
Season: #1 - #unclassified episodes
Directed by: Hal Sutherland
Writer credits: Bill Danch - Len Janson
Cast: John Erwin - Charles Spidar - Dal McKennon - Larry D. Mann - Howard Morris
AKA: The Groovie Goolies and Friends, The Groovy Ghoulies and Friends, Sabrina and the Groovie Goolies