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A man confesses to a priest that he is part of a group that is going to rob a bank. The priest tries to find a way to stop the crime without betraying the confessional vows. Two angels of death are there to help Tess and Gloria.
Movie rating: 8.6 / 10 (0)
Directed by: Michael Schultz
Cast: Roma Downey - Della Reese - John Dye - Valerie Bertinelli - Matt Ross
AKA: S02 EP12 Rock 'N' Roll Dad, S02 EP06 Reunion, Touched by an Angel, S02 EP01 Sympathy For The Devil, S02 EP18 Porttrait Of Mrs Campbell, S02 EP13 The Indigo Angel, S02 EP07 The Big Bang, S02 EP02 Interview With An Angel