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"Stargate SG-1" Touchstone titulky

Řada: 2 - díl: 14

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Detaily filmu

imdbA climate control device is stolen from a planet and SG-1 is accused of the theft. They have to find it and restore it before the planet freezes. Then weather on Earth starts to unexpectedly change and the team believes that the d...

Hodnocení filmu: 7.6 / 10 (1300)

Režie: - - -

Scénář: - -

Hrají: - - - -

Alternativní název: Hvezdná brána, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Command, Touchstone, Stargåte SG-1, La porte des étoiles, Stargate: SG-1, Зоряна брама: SG-1

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