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Following on a Tok'ra tip, SG-1 goes to a planet where they find the hated Apophis, nearly dying and under attack by death-gliders. They get back with him, realizing he was tortured by a rival system-lord with lasting harm. Apophi...
Hodnocení filmu: 7.8 / 10 (1304)
Režie: Brad Wright - Peter DeLuise - Jonathan Glassner - Katharyn Powers
Scénář: Brad Wright - Brad Wright - Jonathan Glassner
Hrají: Richard Dean Anderson - Michael Shanks - Amanda Tapping - Christopher Judge - Don S. Davis
Alternativní název: Stargate SG-1, Hvezdná brána, La porte des étoiles, Stargate: SG-1, Зоряна брама: SG-1, SG-1, Stargate Command, Serpent's Song