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It's the year 2030 and an older Ted Mosby is telling the story to his son and daughter about how he met and will eventually marry their mother. This is where we meet for the first time Ted, Lily, Marshall, Barney and Robin.
Hodnocení filmu: 8.4 / 10 (7413)
Režie: Pamela Fryman - Carter Bays - Craig Thomas
Scénář: Carter Bays - Carter Bays - Craig Thomas
Hrají: Josh Radnor - Jason Segel - Cobie Smulders - Neil Patrick Harris - Alyson Hannigan
Alternativní název: Jak jsem poznal vasi matku, How I Met Your Mother, Як я познайомився з вашою мамою, H.I.M.Y.M, HIMYM, Pilot, Ananızla necə tanış oldum, Croatia, Serbia