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V/H/S/2 Suec Subtítols (2013) 1CD srt


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A propòsit del film:A propòsit del film @ http://www.imdb.com
Primers tasts:Primers tasts @ http://www.imdb.comCartells:V/H/S/2 movie postersCartells @ http://www.imdb.com
Detalls del filmTítol alternatiu:V/H/S/2 (eng), Video/Kaseta/2 (eng), З/Л/О 2 (eng)
Nota del film:6.0 / 10 (42631)
[ ] - Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his house and find collection of VHS tapes. Viewing the horrific contents of each cassette, they realize there may be dark motives behind the student's disappea...
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