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Indochine Serbi Subtítols (1992) 1CD srt


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Indochine Subtítols Serbi
Data de publicació#CD CarregatDescarregatNota del subtítolCarregador
Swe_sub1CD181x 0.00titlovic
Indochine1CD226x 0.00titlovic
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A propòsit del film:A propòsit del film @ http://www.imdb.com
Cartells:Indochine movie postersCartells @ http://www.imdb.com
Altres:El vostre vincle aquí
Detalls del filmTítol alternatiu:Indokina (scc), Indochina (eng), Indochine (eng), Iндокитай (eng)
Nota del film:7.0 / 10 (10970)
[ ] - Eliane adopts Camille, whose Vietnamese parents were friends. In 1930, a French navy officer is interested in Eliane (owns 60km2 plantation) and later in Camille. There's an uprising in Vietnam against French colonial power.
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