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"Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" Strange Things Happen at the One Two Point subtítols

Temporada: 2 - Episodi: 10

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Detalls del film

imdbSarah's quest to find the meaning behind the "three dots" leads to a technology firm seeking an advanced microchip. Dr. Sherman is killed while working with Catherine Weaver's A.I. computer, and Jesse comes clean about her mission.

Nota del film: 7.4 / 10 (796)

Dirigit per: - - -

Crèdits de l'autor: -

Repartiment: - - - -

Títol alternatiu: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Sarah Connor Chronicles, The, Terminator : The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Part.2 (E21+E22), Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

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