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"Damages" Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care. sottotitoli

Stagione: 2 - Episodio: 2

Tutti i sottotitoli per questa Serie TV

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Dettagli del film

imdbPatty decides to take the child mortality case which, unbeknown to her, has been planted by the FBI. She passes the case to Tom Shayes who may be prepared to engage in unethical conduct to get the plaintiff to sign up with them. W...

Reputazione film: 7.9 / 10 (359)

Diretto da: - - -

Scrittore dei crediti: -

Cast: - - - -

AKA: Damages, Burn It, Shred It, I Don't Care, Glenn Close TV Project, A hatalom hálójában

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